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Nzoner's Game Room>***Official Harrison Butker Appreciation Thread ***
Nickhead 10:56 PM 10-03-2017

:-) to our newest place butker

I mean he is brave enough to wear #7 :-)

3/4 made.

for now i am going to apply the kareem hunt rule when it comes to our new kicker.

botched the first, he will be game money the rest of the way? :-)

i must say it is weird seeing the fans in the screen shots of the new kicker. the old one always was shown with nothing but grass behind him. :-)
Rain Man 03:32 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
I enjoy people being mad online. So I get a kick out of it.

And of course, he's really good at kicking the ball far and straight. That helps.

Like I said - it's the stridence that I respect. As there's a political thread for any insights on WHAT he said, I'm simply removing that from the equation for the moment. It's that the dude said it with his chest out knowing full well what the reaction would be.

The guy absolutely 100% believes every word he said there. And the failure of, lets just say typical online opposition, is that they never seem to accept the possibility that their targets may be steadfast in what it is they believe and aren't just saying it for the LOLZ.

I like seeing that kind of steel in a guy who plays football for my favorite football team.
I'll confess that I don't like it when players do the religious stuff on the football field, because I really don't think God should be playing favorites by helping one team over another, and that's what they're claiming when they say and do religious stuff like pointing to the heavens when they kick a field goal or throw a touchdown.

But whatever. I can deal with it, and it's their right to say and do stuff even if it comes across as being kind of dumb. And I am seeing increasing proof each year that god loves the Chiefs more than other teams, so it's possible that I've been wrong all these years.
Megatron96 03:36 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Oh lord.

A T-Shirt with Taylor Swift making Harrison Butker a sammich would absolutely set the internet ablaze.

I'm here for it...

I would wear that T-shirt:-)
teedubya 03:36 PM 05-17-2024

heh - Rally House
Easy 6 03:46 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
If he stays in KC his entire career, he could conceivably play in more post-season games than anyone in NFL history.

And he's a devout, extremely proud guy.

If it all went away for him tomorrow, he'd take his $22 million in career earnings, leave the sport and preach the Gospel for the rest of his life, happier than a pig in shit to do so.

Nobody can touch him. And it just pisses them right off.

Be mad on Twitter all you want - he does not care even a little bit.

It's pretty much textbook 'impotent rage' on social media right now. The fact that this simply won't phase him one bit makes his vocal detractors all the more angry.

So in the Harrison Butker Appreciation thread - yeah, I can appreciate the hell out of that kind of self-assurance.
Who downvoted this, DJ?
ThrobProng 03:46 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by teedubya:

heh - Rally House
Only women and gay guys would wear that in public. That's any kicker's jersey, not just Butker's.
Megatron96 03:47 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Who downvoted this, DJ?

Lol, I bet you can guess.
staylor26 03:59 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by ThrobProng:
Only women and gay guys would wear that in public. That's any kicker's jersey, not just Butker's.
So I'm assuming you already got your Butker jersey then?
RealSNR 04:01 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by TEX:
It needed to be rompered or DC'd...
A certain mod lives for this shit. Loves to let things get out of hand merely to exert power and ban people from threads. Especially those who have a different opinion from his and his disciples. He can't help it, it's just his way.

This thread is not as bad, yet....

TimBone must be stopped!
DJ's left nut 04:07 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Who downvoted this, DJ?
That Invincibill guy who doesn't actually post here but occasionally just goes around downvoting stuff.

Pretty much the height of chickenshit behavior so I shrug it off.

"I hate that you said that but refuse to engage in a free exchange of ideas on a message board designed for that exact purpose..."

Aight. You do you, boo...
DJ's left nut 04:08 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by ThrobProng:
Only women and gay guys would wear that in public. That's any kicker's jersey, not just Butker's.

You're not wrong.

I mean...he IS still a kicker. I suppose we do need to keep sight of that fact...
staylor26 04:09 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
That Invincibill guy who doesn't actually post here but occasionally just goes around downvoting stuff.

Pretty much the height of chickenshit behavior so I shrug it off.

"I hate that you said that but refuse to engage in a free exchange of ideas on a message board designed for that exact purpose..."

Aight. You do you, boo...
Dude, that guy is always upvoting/downvoting my shit and in my rep. I don't think I've ever even seen him post.
Easy 6 04:18 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
That Invincibill guy who doesn't actually post here but occasionally just goes around downvoting stuff.

Pretty much the height of chickenshit behavior so I shrug it off.

"I hate that you said that but refuse to engage in a free exchange of ideas on a message board designed for that exact purpose..."

Aight. You do you, boo...
Bills a hard one to figure sometimes, I usually get poz from him... not sure why he'd want to ding ya for that post
vonBobo 04:41 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by MarkDavis'Haircut:
The outrage just reinforces how correct he is.
Like Hitler!
MarkDavis'Haircut 04:46 PM 05-17-2024
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Bills a hard one to figure sometimes, I usually get poz from him... not sure why he'd want to ding ya for that post
He is a dum-dum.
R8RFAN 05:01 PM 05-17-2024
I don't come here much and may not be back for another year and still and always will hate the Cheaps but I would totally rock a Butker jersey
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