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Media Center>Must Watch Series
Buehler445 08:54 AM 04-26-2012
All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.

For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.


Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching

Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)

I work a fuckton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.

So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?

UPDATED for the shows I've seen recently.
Baby Lee 02:41 AM 06-14-2017
Originally Posted by unlurking:
Anyone watch Love on Netflix?
Finished season two, and made the mistake of reading some episode reviews.

I liked the nuance of the show, and the fine line splitting of the leads' foibles. And even though the situations and crises were scarcely veiled rehashes of rom-com tropes, the updating and details were well crafted.

But man, as toxic as politics has been in the past couple years, it doesn't have SHIT on the toxicity of side-taking on relationships. The hot takes on this show may have frayed the last vestiges of my hope in humanity.
unlurking 06:18 AM 06-14-2017
My favorite scene is where the two start trying to tank their date. The waiter was hilarious too.
Baby Lee 07:47 PM 06-14-2017
Originally Posted by unlurking:
My favorite scene is where the two start trying to tank their date. The waiter was hilarious too.
The humor there was a highlight. Don't know if it was funnier when;


Baby Lee 10:09 PM 06-14-2017
Carmichael show is back with stremph!!

They've assembled a cracker-jack cast, and they're hitting on all cylinders.

Reminds me of Everybody Loves Raymond.
Miles 11:07 PM 06-14-2017
So is Love a thumbs up for watching? Have held off due to generally not liking or perhaps just not getting whatever humor Paul Rust is supposed to have from a few comedy bang bang episodes.
Baby Lee 11:46 PM 06-14-2017
Originally Posted by Miles:
So is Love a thumbs up for watching? Have held off due to generally not liking or perhaps just not getting whatever humor Paul Rust is supposed to have from a few comedy bang bang episodes.
Don't base it on Rust's comedic persona.

Whether you like it or not depends on your taste for the Apatow touch applied to the traditional romcom, updated for LA millenials.

Rust plays a very Apatowish beta male. Think Rudd in This is 40, except he's a tutor for a child actor who is trying to get his foot in the door in TV writing. He's not at all like his comedy persona. If anything he's cringe-inducing in his insecurity and geekiness [but in an interesting way].

Jacobs plays your typical hot mess [stress on hot] with addictive tendencies.

It's a pretty thorough exploration of the pitfalls of relationships with both having their good and bad traits. In updating the genre, Apatow does a good job of superficially masking the cliched situations he runs the narrative through, but you can see it when you step back and assess it objectively.

I don't want to talk it up or down, and I definitely don't want to color your experience by weighing in on their characters after the fact. If you like Apatow's style, this fits right comfortably in there. Kind of a modern LA schlub's version of Woody Allen-lite.
Miles 12:06 AM 06-15-2017
Thanks. That helps quite a lot and will give it a try. I generally like Apatow but after a strong run he does have some misses.
Baby Lee 10:55 PM 06-18-2017
Another Veep zinger

Dikembe Matumb-tard.
Pepe Silvia 01:59 PM 06-19-2017
Veep is an awesome series.
MahiMike 06:44 PM 06-19-2017
Originally Posted by PackerinMo:
Veep is an awesome series.
Is it really?
Pepe Silvia 11:32 AM 06-21-2017
Originally Posted by MahiMike:
Is it really?
Baby Lee 12:04 AM 06-22-2017
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Carmichael show is back with stremph!!

They've assembled a cracker-jack cast, and they're hitting on all cylinders.

Reminds me of Everybody Loves Raymond.
"OH LORD! I miss Florentine's

Got me up here on my birthday, eatin' with all these n-. . . "

Holy Shit!
Nickhead 12:39 AM 06-22-2017
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
"OH LORD! I miss Florentine's

Got me up here on my birthday, eatin' with all these n-. . . "

Holy Shit!
every now and then a show falls thru the cracks and i forget i wanted to see it. gonna binge it now. off for the next three to four days. (can you believe they've got a yank delivering water to customers :-)). but i digress...

thanks for the reminder... love the potential of david allen greer in this role. it's like an alternate version of married with children. :-)
Buehler445 08:43 PM 06-27-2017
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
Started watching The Last Kingdom yesterday on Netflix. 12 hours later with half a season to go I feel safe in saying this is a really, really good show.
I just finished season 2. It is really good.

Initially, that monologue at the beginning is really bad IMO. That I am Uhtred son of Uhtred crap really doesn't follow the tone and nuance written into the show. That and he does a bad job of reading it trying to sound tough. It took me awhile, but if you watch the show while ignoring it, the show is really good. It's unfortunate that it takes me so far out of the show.

Back to the show, the action is really good. They spent some real money on it and it shows.

The plot was solid. The characters were fleshed out pretty well. I cared about the characters and the story. Beocca's story line in particular was well done. When they returned to camp and he was looking for Uhtred's sister was goddamned compelling television.

Watch it if you haven't and you are into medieval/viking stuff.
Baby Lee 11:34 AM 07-01-2017
Originally Posted by Nickhead:
every now and then a show falls thru the cracks and i forget i wanted to see it. gonna binge it now. off for the next three to four days. (can you believe they've got a yank delivering water to customers :-)). but i digress...

thanks for the reminder... love the potential of david allen greer in this role. it's like an alternate version of married with children. :-)
Catch it while you can. Network cancelled it. Don't know the details of why. News just broke this morning.

Preliminarily, sounds like Carmichael wasn't in the mood to back off controversy and network wanted a safe sitcom instead.

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