In this race of planet history, Lurkers, those with less than 100 posts per year of membership are challenged!
Myself, and other tenured members I shall designate will pose comments, statements or questions of Chiefs Planet History. Your job~your Challenge! is to explain the story behind the comment, link it to its originating poster....explain why its relevant or funny. Bonus points awarded for context.
How well do the lurkers know us? How versed are the lurkers in our history?
At the end of this thread, I will donate $20 to Chiefsplanet in the name of the determined winner. The contest will end when I determine the thread/contest has run its course.
Points will be awarded by myself to the first lurker with correct explanation of each event. Bonus points will be given to those with less than 10 total posts.
Tenured posters are allowed to participate in the thread, however until a lurker answers a not give the answer, or anything more than subtle hints on questions that may pose difficulty. Once revealed of the true answer.....feel free to give your take or comment on that moment. [Reply]
Lvnhack, our former posting friend was a guard on the catwalks of Leavenworth prison. Several good stories came with the job. We have had at least 1 other prison guard post, but I'm not sure who it was.
58forever, miataman....our pal Joe got himself into a heap of trouble, went in the klink, got out early, got into some trouble and got out. He returned a few months ago, announced he was posting regularly again(with open arms from the old planet guard) and fell off the planet again. I'm hoping its because he's busy, and not because he's sharing a hotbox with cool hand luke. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Raiderhader:
Doesn't really qualify as a beat down, but the brawl that sticks out most in my mind is the Logical vs. KCWolfman fight from a few years back. As I recall Big Daddy's girly thread was the spark that got that fire started.
has to be Matrix-that shitbag got pummeled for days [Reply]
Originally Posted by Iowanian
The Food groups of questions. Who is associated with each of these? Poster and or famous people
Jalepeno Cheese Balls
I'm thinking Arby's.
Originally Posted by Raiderhader:
Another one that I'm itching to respond too. You damn lurkers better get your act in gear.
In the "Chiefs are racist" thread started by Falstaff, Vanilla Thunder (Cody) started talking about Planters Cheeseballs (the different flavors being Regular, Sour Cream, and Jalepeno). 58Forever was thought to be associated with them but he told VT about the Jalepeno cheese doritos 3Ds not the cheese balls. The reason this was included in the aforementioned thread is because Falstaff was a complete douchebag and I believe it was an attempt to hijack the thread away (and completely correct in it's attempt) from the intended topic. [Reply]
you're doing your research I can tell, but in this case, the conversation you located was a reference to the thread-conversation in question. In that thread, the Jalepeno Cheese Balls discussion was a hi-jack attempt using the previous thread for ammo.
I think it was actually on the star board, Cody started a thread on Jalepeno Cheese Balls being delicious at Arrowhead. It was funny and its been part of the lexicon from early on in the board's history.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
Wasn't Carlton Gray rumored to have actually posted on the Planet? Who else?
Other family members who posted in the past would include Will Shields wife, although it might have been on the Star BB, she posted during Will's final contract holdout while he was franchised back in 99, I think. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Raiderhader:
God, I so want to answer this one. A few people thought they did, but I know you aren't thinking of the commatard c4m.
Yeah, didn't even think of the commatard thing as an admission. :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
This thread has lost it's burst.
Which leads to a good question.
What is the source of the lexicon "------- has lost its burst"
This is also a great time for a reminder of the unanswered question about
"Which planeteer had a ghey stalker while working at bestbuy?"
"keep doubting threads".....
Titus, the keeper of all quotes, would have likely been a spectacular creator-moderator of this thread. Obscure quotes, people hope to never answer for would have abounded. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
This is also a great time for a reminder of the unanswered question about
"Which planeteer had a ghey stalker while working at bestbuy?"
"keep doubting threads".....
And the poster that snitched on the pot smoking Indian. [Reply]