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Nzoner's Game Room>Farm living with goats...
Mephistopheles Janx 10:24 PM 07-13-2022
Here is a series of videos I took from two days ago on the farm. Had 3 goats get out of their enclosure but thankfully they have no interest in wandering away... they stay right by home.

Most of them are fainting goats with the exception of one.

I hope you enjoy the following presentation. Hit the right arrow to view the next short video.

I’m new to owning goats… these was my goat adventure from yesterday.

seclark 11:02 AM 01-14-2023
My daughter in law’s grandparents raised goats for years.
My great grandmother raised goats and that’s where I learned how to milk them.
My ulcers thank goats milk
They’ll eat through the thorniest brush there is and when it’s gone they’ll start on the bark on the trees., so you have to either have to feed them or move them.
It’s just the way they are, God bless them.
Mephistopheles Janx 12:50 PM 01-14-2023
Originally Posted by Holladay:
How smart are they? I just a coupla articles that they are about as smart as dogs and just as affectionate.
Pretty much like dogs. Wayne absolutely adores me. He screams at me when he sees me outside and immediately comes to hang out with me.

The one thing I'm having an issue with is that they love going into the field next door instead of my 6 acres worth of pasture. Thankfully, my neighbor doesn't mind my goats coming over.
Mephistopheles Janx 12:51 PM 01-14-2023
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
Maggie's seen some shit.

I love that derpy face she is making.
philfree 02:09 PM 01-14-2023

Mephistopheles Janx 02:22 PM 01-14-2023
Originally Posted by philfree:
Funny enough... some of these goats, well... their babies, gonna get eaten. I, though, wouldn't make soup out of their head. Especially with all the fur still on it.
philfree 02:30 PM 01-14-2023
Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx:
Funny enough... some of these goats, well... their babies, gonna get eaten. I, though, wouldn't make soup out of their head. Especially with all the fur still on it.
I've never eaten any Goat but I did have some Lamb Chops last night. Don't know it the meat is similar or not.
Mephistopheles Janx 02:45 PM 01-14-2023
Originally Posted by philfree:
I've never eaten any Goat but I did have some Lamb Chops last night. Don't know it the meat is similar or not.
The flavor and consistency, to me, lies somewhere between beef and deer. I really don't understand it's lack of popularity in the US as it is one of the most commonly eaten meats in the world.

Not only that but they take 2/3 of the feed to produce as much meat as cows do. The breed I raise (Fainting Goats) even more so as it has the highest meat to bone/organ ratio of all goats.
Mephistopheles Janx 09:16 PM 01-14-2023
Then and now...

Baby Wayne:

Wayne now:

Baby Darry:


Baby Bonnie McMurray:

Bonnie McMurray:

Baby Gaylor:


Baby Rosie:


threebag 09:36 PM 01-14-2023
Goats destroy everything.
Mephistopheles Janx 07:38 PM 01-24-2023
Added another 5 goats to the herd today. Poppy and Penelope are still babies and won't be ready for Wayne for another few months. Fern, Maggie and Tulip are all just over 2 years old and have been exposed to a male goat. We are fairly certain that Fern and Tulip are pregnant and Maggie may be as well but isn't really showing it. If she is... its probably gonna be a single.

I feel like I got a really good deal on these as I may be very well be getting 8-10 registered goats for the price of 5.

Their names will change to be brought in line with my Letterkenny naming structure.

Marie-Frédérique (Marie-Fred for short)

More goats arrive on the farm

Mephistopheles Janx 12:13 AM 07-15-2023
A new first for me... banded my first buckling today. Here are the glamour shots.

seclark 07:03 AM 07-15-2023
Helped grampa do it with calves when I was a kid
He wanted to do it to me but granny didn’t let him
displacedinMN 11:26 AM 07-15-2023
I think that is worse than getting a bug bite.
KS Smitty 02:08 PM 07-15-2023
A requirement of VoAg I was going to a school board members farm and banding his calves and :-).
Mephistopheles Janx 01:26 PM 02-10-2024

The black one on the right is a girl and her name is T'Pol (to keep with the Star Trek naming structure). The one on the left is a boy and his name likely foretells his future. He is called Panini.

Link to video that won't embed.
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