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In Memoriam>Hello! [RIP RandallFlagg]
Randallflagg 08:10 AM 11-04-2021
Hello folks here..

My name is Christopher and I am (was) RandallFlaggs son. I tried days ago to post a quick message about my Father but for some reason it wouldn't take?

My Father passed sometime between July 28th and August 30th of this year. He died attempting to help people who could not help themselves. I can't/won't go into much detail but needless to say, his family (my Mother, Sister and I) are devastated, however we know that he wouldn't have his service be any other way.

It was a private venture into another country and he was to provide logistic support for other men. Unfortunately, as they were achieving their goal of helping folks out, they faced an ambush and may Father and 2 others were killed. I have it on good authority though that he took several with him, though.

Mom talked about how much he loved engaging on this forum. She gave me his logon information and I thought I would post this quick note to inform all of his passing. Sorry, it has taken a while to commemorate Dad, but we were asked to "keep it under wraps" for a time.

Thanks to all of you who wrote to him on his time here.

Goodbye Chief!! You will be remembered forever. RIP Dad.

Christopher A

Originally Posted by Randallflagg:
Hello again!

I came in this afternoon from taking care of the stock to find my Mother crying her eyes out, reading these responses. In her words, These are truly great people to post these wonderful responses. They have truly made her feel better (if that is possible).

One of my Dad's best friends, a retired Colonel, who was with them on their trip has contacted my Dad's publisher and asked to do a "final chapter" in his book. They are currently working that out. As soon as it becomes available I will let you all know.

Still, I can not thank you all enough from the bottom of my heart for the kind messages that you have all posted. My Father, although "elderly" was never one to shy away from what he considered to be his duty. Mom tried to talk him out of going, but she knew it was a waste of time so, as many times in the past, she kissed him goodbye and told him "See you when you get back". Unfortunately, this was his last ride. Knowing my Father however, he would have wanted it this way.

Now, his ranch is on my shoulders to take care of and I will. Every day when I see the sun coming up, his horse stomping around in the barn, coffee on the stove, I think of him fondly.

God bless you all. Thanks again for your kind responses.


MarkDavis'Haircut 10:45 AM 11-04-2021
Randall Flagg was one of my favorite posters.

RIP and God bless to his family.
penguinz 10:50 AM 11-04-2021
Sorry for your loss. RIP Marten Broadcloak.
ToxSocks 10:54 AM 11-04-2021
RIP, sorry to hear that.
Ninerfan11 10:58 AM 11-04-2021
RIP, seemed like a great guy.
LiveSteam 11:23 AM 11-04-2021
Your family will be in my prayers
RIP Rand
KC Dan 11:29 AM 11-04-2021
RIP to your dad and my condolences to the family of a clear cut hero!
Donger 11:33 AM 11-04-2021
I'm very sorry to hear this news. Condolences to you and your family. He will be missed.

And, you'll always be his son.
HayWire 11:41 AM 11-04-2021
Damn, RIP

Yes, please move this.
fan4ever 11:43 AM 11-04-2021
You're going through one of the hardest things in life.
May God comfort you and guide you through your life as your father did.
frozenchief 11:46 AM 11-04-2021
I am very saddened to hear this. [moment of silence].

May he rest in peace.
Shiver Me Timbers 12:05 PM 11-04-2021
Really Hard to read. Randall was a Patriot and I have no doubt he took a few with him.
Sorry for your loss Christopher. You are a blessed man having a pops like Randall.
roman gnome 12:05 PM 11-04-2021
Gods speed Brother! R.I.P.
carlos3652 12:05 PM 11-04-2021
RIP. Condolences. He’s a hero.
Just Passin' By 12:11 PM 11-04-2021
May he rest in peace
Pointer19 12:18 PM 11-04-2021
Rest in Peace, Randall. Sorry for your family's loss, Christopher.
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