Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.
Anyway, just a quick rundown.
Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.
Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.
Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.
Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Wallcrawler:
Is it your contention that Coruscant is not a tiny as fuck playable area?
Coruscant is a nothing burger location, period.
It's not intended to be. It's a hub. You're supposed to start the game there, and then go back to finish a couple bounty hunter quests and maybe kill the legendary monster that's there. That's it.
You'd go to McDonalds, order, pay and then whine that their burgers aren't any good. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
It's not intended to be. It's a hub. You're supposed to start the game there, and then go back to finish a couple bounty hunter quests and maybe kill the legendary monster that's there. That's it.
Thanks for proving my point. Do less kicking and screaming next time.
You'd go to McDonalds, order, pay and then whine that their burgers aren't any good.
Again, nobody is trying to change your mind here. My posts are addressing normal gamers who are looking for what the experience is like, from someone not wearing rose colored glasses.
You hilarious disputing of what I posted with "dude just likes to bitch" when I talk about how small Coruscant is, only to come back and post HURR DURR ITS NOT INTENDED TO BE, IT'S JUST A HUB is one of your better faceplants we've seen.
Suffice to say, your view of the game is not objective, and you'll attempt to shout down or justify even the most valid criticisms, so what you say needs to be taken with a big block of salt.
Game has some great setpieces, lightsaber bosses are on point again, and the story was worth the bullshit you have to do to see it, but just barely so.
I say that as a pretty avid gamer with the skillset and just enough persistence to see it through. I can easily see this game beung switched off and never returned to by more casual players, because slogging through bullshit isn't why people play videoganes. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Dude would order DoorDash and complain about the delivery fee.
Run along and play Outlaws now. Can't wait to see the horseshit polish you try to shine that turd up with.
It's another instance of a modern game being outshined by products made two decades prior, and the worst part is that it's made by the same damn company, Ubisoft.
You'd think a company that produced one of the greatest stealth franchises in gaming, Splinter Cell, would be able to produce quality stealth gameplay in a modern Star Wars title, but in this case, you'd be wrong. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Wallcrawler:
Right. He can just wave his hands and become Quicksilver from X Men. Run circles around volleys of heavy trooper blaster fire while casually murdering an entire platoon. And that's just in the beginning of the game. Later on that power becomes absolutely broken. So please, tell me more about how weak Cal Kestis is, and why he needs a shitty blaster that somehow only gets its ammunition from striking enemies with a lighsaber.
I think you might be overthinking gaming just a bit! [Reply]
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:
Did you ever get the Division 2 humming along?
I am not good at the game or games in general
. Wish I could go fire the guys and get the guns or whatever works but I am stuck just getting carried [Reply]
Originally Posted by Demonpenz:
I am not good at the game or games in general
. Wish I could go fire the guys and get the guns or whatever works but I am stuck just getting carried
We all have to start somewhere, I'm not particularly great especially with snipers but it's fun nonetheless. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJJasonp:
I think you might be overthinking gaming just a bit!
No, there's no overthinking or exaggerating here. Clay shit on the force grip from force unleashed, because there wasn't anything like it done in the films.
All while completely ignoring the fact that from the beginning of the game, all you need to do is activate the "super" and the world around you slows to a crawl.
Literal volleys of blasterfire from heavy troops hangs in midair, and if you so chose, could run circles around it.
For reference, it is very similar to what the Quicksilver character played by Evan Peters experiences in X Men: days of future past with the world coming to a standstill, while he casually goes about his business.
Later in the game this power is enhanced, making it even more op.
Even though nothing like this vulgar display of power was done in any of the Star Wars Films, Clay in hypocritical fashion, has zero issues with this power being present in the game.
Grabbing up to 3 stormtroopers and toying with them as they are suspended in force grip= stupid and op.
Slowing time to murder entire platoons faster than a speeding blaster bolt= perfection.
It was also just a really stupid comparison. Force Unleashed is a fun little canon divergent pure power fantasy game about a Jedi that was min maxed to be OP as fuck by Vader to kill the Emperor. Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor are way more grounded stories about a Padawan growing after the fall of the Jedi Order. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
It was also just a really stupid comparison. Force Unleashed is a fun little canon divergent pure power fantasy game about a Jedi that was min maxed to be OP as **** by Vader to kill the Emperor. Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor are way more grounded stories about a Padawan growing after the fall of the Jedi Order.
Yeah, what was I thinking. Force grip. So otherworldly op.
How crazy of me to want to use the force to throw objects, and people.
I mean, lift a a whole group and suspend them in the air harmlessly? Sure sure sure, you can totally do that, AND you can also very roughly place all of those enemies you lifted on the ground with "slam" and give them the damage equivalent of a hangnail, But you're just not quite strong enough to be able to manipulate a couple storm troopers or droids at will for some humiliation before hilarious demise.
You can snap your fingers and turn into The Flash though, its a power that most Padawans recently reconnecting to the force can do, so think nothing of that.
I dunno, isn't that from the 2nd game? At that point he's been training for 5 years and is clearly way more advanced than he was in Fallen Order. Outright wrecks one of the main antagonists that he could barely touch in the first game in the first 5 minutes, and the power only becomes truly OP when he's tappng into the dark side.
Edit: ah, right, he does do it in high stress during the first game. [Reply]
No, there's no overthinking or exaggerating here. Clay shit on the force grip from force unleashed, because there wasn't anything like it done in the films.
All while completely ignoring the fact that from the beginning of the game, all you need to do is activate the "super" and the world around you slows to a crawl.
Literal volleys of blasterfire from heavy troops hangs in midair, and if you so chose, could run circles around it.
For reference, it is very similar to what the Quicksilver character played by Evan Peters experiences in X Men: days of future past with the world coming to a standstill, while he casually goes about his business.
Later in the game this power is enhanced, making it even more op.
Even though nothing like this vulgar display of power was done in any of the Star Wars Films, Clay in hypocritical fashion, has zero issues with this power being present in the game.
Grabbing up to 3 stormtroopers and toying with them as they are suspended in force grip= stupid and op.
Slowing time to murder entire platoons faster than a speeding blaster bolt= perfection.
This is actually false. Force speed was shown in the prequels. Which is the same as slowing down time. [Reply]