Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.
Anyway, just a quick rundown.
Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.
Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.
Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.
Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing. [Reply]
The game is utterly horrifying in a beautiful slow-burn sort of way. No jump scares. Just slowly unpeeling an onion and every layer is more horrifying than the last. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
About halfway through Stasis: Bone Totem.
The game is utterly horrifying in a beautiful slow-burn sort of way. No jump scares. Just slowly unpeeling an onion and every layer is more horrifying than the last.
Got 20 hours out of it. One of the best stories in adventure games ever made. I crave MORE.
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
welp, 97.5 hours and i'm done
got all planets to 100% except koboh at 99.6% and don't care to grind all these 100% maps trying to find some stupid spot i missed
saved the bounty hunter questline for last and the ending was amazing...
NEXT: Metro Exodus!
I finished the story, recruited everyone, filled the fish tank, and beat everyone at holotactics.
I'm super grateful for the fast travel added to the game, because seriously F whoever thought that the God damn play area should be one annoying mystery after another you need to solve just to progress to the next area/room.
Like, God fucking damn that shit. The game in 5 parts us essentially 1 part being a badass Jedi Knight, 2 parts where the mother fuck do I go/what the fuck am I supposed to do, and 2 parts repeatedly falling during annoying ass platforming segments.
Just didnt have the patience to go find all the crates and scans with that game design and same tragi comic excuse for a map. I probably could've cut multiple hours of playtime out I I'd just looked up YouTube videos anytime I got stuck, but I genuinely wanted to see how long it would take a pretty steady gamer like myself to figure it the fuck out.
Super disappointed that meditation training upon story completion was excluded from this game. The ability to pick up and play combat challenges and boss rushes was an incredible reward at the end of Fallen Order.
At least the story was worth the aggravation. [Reply]
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
I haven't played them and thanks to you guys, now I know I haven't missed anything. :-)
Blend 70% Tomb Raider with 10% Prince of Persia, and throw in 20% Star Wars and that's your formula.
You will regularly hit snags in progression, requiring you to scour the entire immediate area to try to figure out what you're supposed to do.
Ok, wall/door blocked. How do I break this? Ahh. Early on, I used a roller mine enemy to break one of these.
*runs a few hundred yards away from puzzle*
Hmm. Don't see anything. That blown out dead end factory looks interesting though.....
Off in the back corner there's a terminal to hack, and it spawns a roller mine.
Ah. Ok. So now, we just make this thing chase us a few hundred yards then we can use it to destroy the barrier, just to get to the next area.
Fuck off.
This is one of the more simple solutions. It can get pretty ridiculous with side quests, yanking orbs on walls that activate timers that have to be activated in a specific order, all while point launching and jumping in a mad dash to navigate the puzzle before the path resets and the orb is blocked and you get to start all over.
The only saving grace is that Respawn KNOWS that it sucks, and so falls don't kill you and send you back to your last meditation point. They put you right back where you fell from.
Like, when I think Star Wars, this just isn't what I want to be doing.
The setpieces and boss battles are phenomenal, I mean, just imagine if they focused on providing more of that instead of wasting all those hours designing the most annoying fucking playspace and worst possible map you can imagine.
Check the comment section of any walk-through for these games, and it's a literal hate rape of the game design being so poor.
Like, are there really people out there that get excited for open world puzzles? I've literally never seen one of these and thought oh fuck yeah here we go boys! [Reply]
Originally Posted by :
It can get pretty ridiculous with side quests, yanking orbs on walls that activate timers that have to be activated in a specific order, all while point launching and jumping in a mad dash to navigate the puzzle before the path resets and the orb is blocked and you get to start all over.
You DO know these are intended to be testing for Jedi, right? It makes sense that they are difficult. [Reply]