I shot him an email this morning. Probably not the best idea. I told him that I miss talking to him, because I really enjoy his stories. I told him I thought we hit it off, but that I've had a weird vibe the last few days. I hope to hear back one way or the other. If he's not interested, just friggin' tell me. I guess, if I don't hear back, that's what he's saying. I'm bummed. I tried not to get my hopes up with this one, but he was just such a great guy. Probably the greatest date I've been on. Oh well. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Jilly:
Maybe he's just a dumb ass who doesn't know a good thing when he sees it
I've just been trying to keep busy and not think about it. I mean, even if he's been going out with other girls, that's none of my business. Just a phone call would have been nice. [Reply]
I've just been trying to keep busy and not think about it. I mean, even if he's been going out with other girls, that's none of my business. Just a phone call would have been nice.
generally, Luv, if a guy doesn't call you, soon after the date, he's prob not head over heels for you and you deserve someone who will fall for you, not just think you're acceptable [Reply]
Originally Posted by luv:
I shot him an email this morning. Probably not the best idea. I told him that I miss talking to him, because I really enjoy his stories. I told him I thought we hit it off, but that I've had a weird vibe the last few days. I hope to hear back one way or the other. If he's not interested, just friggin' tell me. I guess, if I don't hear back, that's what he's saying. I'm bummed. I tried not to get my hopes up with this one, but he was just such a great guy. Probably the greatest date I've been on. Oh well.
Either you hit it off or you don't, there is no forcing the issue. Even if he was remotely interested, coming off as needy and clingy probably won't help. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Maybe he's a guy that buys into the "don't call for 3 days" thing? maybe he's busy? Maybe his wife is a hair dresser in chi's building?
That email was a mistake. Never show fear or desperation. It might have scared him after one date.
don't push any more. He'll call if he's going to. You can't make the next contact at this point.
He emailed me back with the "busy with work and house repairs". He wants to keep in touch, but I'm not holding my breath. We'll see. [Reply]