In this race of planet history, Lurkers, those with less than 100 posts per year of membership are challenged!
Myself, and other tenured members I shall designate will pose comments, statements or questions of Chiefs Planet History. Your job~your Challenge! is to explain the story behind the comment, link it to its originating poster....explain why its relevant or funny. Bonus points awarded for context.
How well do the lurkers know us? How versed are the lurkers in our history?
At the end of this thread, I will donate $20 to Chiefsplanet in the name of the determined winner. The contest will end when I determine the thread/contest has run its course.
Points will be awarded by myself to the first lurker with correct explanation of each event. Bonus points will be given to those with less than 10 total posts.
Tenured posters are allowed to participate in the thread, however until a lurker answers a not give the answer, or anything more than subtle hints on questions that may pose difficulty. Once revealed of the true answer.....feel free to give your take or comment on that moment. [Reply]
During research for this thread, I found a delicious piece of ironic twist...and soothsaying.
I love this effing board.
When Mrblond posted his "sorry friends, for personal reasons I have to leave"...and left...Phil made a post that announced that it was a serious matter, and that MrBlond was having an operation and would be returning as MrsBlond and we'd be asked to call her "stephanie".
FFW 2 years.
RoyIII, in one of his "love advice requests"(which bring me to tears each time I read through them), one of the internet ladies, whom some of us accused of being a former dude.....named? You guessed it "Stephanie". I later termed her "TennDPHottie" in the impersonated chat logs. [Reply]
Originally Posted by huskerdooz:
4. Which item does not appear inside my toilet?
A. Broncos sticker
B. Cardinals sticker
C. Jayhawks sticker
D. None of the above
Just a guess but I know you hate KU and the donks. I also believe you are a Cardinal fan so I will say the Cards.
You are correct.
However, a photo of the Cardinals 2006 World Series lockerroom celebration does appear on the wall above the toilet. On the opposite wall is a panoramic shot of Arrowhead, and the tub is adorned with a Mizzou shower curtain. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
Here's another classic thread topic...
A long time poster encountered a Native American with a bag of weed at a gas station and turned him in to the authorities. Who is the poster and what was his username changed to as a result. (2 points)
I'm a little foggy on this one so any old-timers please feel free to fill in the details.
That's a classic.
There are a lot of these that I don't remember. :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Chief Wiggum:
I know what this is - I'm just trying to track down the post and picture. Isn't this in reference to the picture of Trent holding/throwing a big fish? Still looking for more of the context of the story - so any hints would be much appreciated.
+1 for getting that much
there is a thread full of photoshops of of Trent in throwing position with "bass hand"....for some reason it makes laugh to tears....
sadly, I think the thread is lost to various server repairs... [Reply]
"Oh yeah smartass? Jealous huh? Well when we have a thread about the finer points of prison bitchery, you'll be right at the forefront to display your expertise...."