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Nzoner's Game Room>*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****
Dante84 07:19 PM 04-27-2017


Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!
Hammock Parties 04:49 PM 11-06-2024

*Mahomes suffers apparently devastating injury*

Five seconds later:

"I'm good."

— 📽️ Red Tribe Cinema (@ClayWendler) November 6, 2024

DJ's left nut 04:54 PM 11-06-2024
Dammit I just cannot help it.

I like Baker Mayfield.
tredadda 05:40 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Dammit I just cannot help it.

I like Baker Mayfield.
Part of me wishes he was still in Cleveland just for the commercials. Also it seems like time and adversity has humbled him a lot.
crispystl 05:44 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:

What does Baker say that Makes Mahomes laugh?
Chiefspants 05:52 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Dammit I just cannot help it.

I like Baker Mayfield.
Was it you who made the Trent Green comparison a few years back?

That one stuck with me. Dude’s got balls, and sometimes doesn’t have the arm for the gambles he takes downfield, but was one of the few QB’s we’ve played in the past couple years who was completely unfazed by Spags’ blitzes. He also never hesitates to put it on the line, something that cost him greatly with Cleveland’s incompetent FO. While I feel like his current head coach is a managerial mismatch for the talent on Tampa’s roster, I’m happy Baker has found a new home.
Buehler445 06:33 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Dammit I just cannot help it.

I like Baker Mayfield.
I've been there for awhile. Ever since he was getting fucking demolished for losing to us in the AFCCG.

He's not Mahomes. He's known he's not Mahomes all the way back to Tech. But he played really well and we were just better.

Baker, through his career has taken criticism that was earned. That wasn't. Then the next year he gets hurt and Cleveland shitcans his ass. That definitely wasn't earned.

Then he goes to the Rams and is saying and doing all the right things.

He's not Mahomes, but he's a good player who's got a bad break and has taken a mountain of shit.

Especially since he's in the NFC, he's easy to root for.
Hammock Parties 06:53 PM 11-06-2024
Baker's little scrambles in that game were really annoying.

If your defense is not on the ball he will destroy you.

And TB's OC is a wizard.
Chiefspants 06:56 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Baker's little scrambles in that game were really annoying.

If your defense is not on the ball he will destroy you.

And TB's OC is a wizard.
First time I saw Spags on his heels through all 4 quarters in a while.
RealSNR 06:57 PM 11-06-2024
If Baker just stays out that year he was injured and doesn't do the tough guy bullshit that leads to all those losses and causes the Browns to miss the playoffs, he doesn't bounce around the league like he did and Cleveland doesn't wind up the Deshaun Watson shithole that it is.

You can argue he's in a better position in Tampa. Sure. NOW he is. But for a couple seasons, it looked like he was gonna be Backup McGee the rest of his career.

When Pat has been gimpy, I like to think he's been smart enough to know how much he'll be limited on the field and whether or not that's going to actually hurt his team. And if he's not able to be honest with himself, then Reid will certainly be honest with him and pull him out.

It's been great to watch Baker, yes, but the only reason he has a redemption arc at all is because he put himself in the very same pit that he just climbed out of.
Pasta Little Brioni 07:08 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Baker's little scrambles in that game were really annoying.

If your defense is not on the ball he will destroy you.

And TB's OC is a wizard.
Worst defensive effort of the season given the lack of talent TB has
ThaVirus 08:02 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Dammit I just cannot help it.

I like Baker Mayfield.
What did he say to Mahomes there? I can’t make it out. Sounded like he said “awkward” or something.

But yeah, Baker is cool as shit. My wife and I have been fans since Hard Knocks.

Hell of a natural actor too. So much better in commercials than Mahomes lol
comochiefsfan 08:11 PM 11-06-2024
Patrick will win MVP this season.

Calling it now.
Bump 08:41 PM 11-06-2024
lol Mahomes just shouting it out for the defense to hear with no fucks given. Can't stop it even when they know what's going to happen

"Run it...give him the ball."
@PatrickMahomes knew exactly how he wanted to close it out 💪

— NFL Films (@NFLFilms) November 5, 2024

RealSNR 10:06 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
What did he say to Mahomes there? I can’t make it out. Sounded like he said “awkward” or something.

But yeah, Baker is cool as shit. My wife and I have been fans since Hard Knocks.

Hell of a natural actor too. So much better in commercials than Mahomes lol

To be fair to Mahomes, you’re only as good as the script you serve, and State Farm is some cringe ass bullshit 75% of the time
DJ's left nut 10:30 PM 11-06-2024
Originally Posted by Chiefspants:
Was it you who made the Trent Green comparison a few years back?

That one stuck with me. Dude’s got balls, and sometimes doesn’t have the arm for the gambles he takes downfield, but was one of the few QB’s we’ve played in the past couple years who was completely unfazed by Spags’ blitzes. He also never hesitates to put it on the line, something that cost him greatly with Cleveland’s incompetent FO. While I feel like his current head coach is a managerial mismatch for the talent on Tampa’s roster, I’m happy Baker has found a new home.
Who knows.

I say a lot of shit. Some of it fairly stupid. Some less so.

I mean I'll take credit for it, but it's as likely as not to be misplaced.
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