Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19:
Kid may be smarter than I thought if he really has been gearing up for this with real tangible evidence.
Unfortunately he may have fucked up by not pressing charges. Should've been full court press from the beginning if he was already hiring a PI to investigate. [Reply]
Originally Posted by philfree:
Worthy needs to change his mind a press charges. Assault and battery and destruction of property. Try and get her in a perjury trap.
And trespassing. She was told to leave multiple times and refused. [Reply]
Wait he hired a PI to follow her around so he could prove she was cheating..? Lol. This story keeps getting wilder. Hopefully this is all legit and he has evidence of extortion attempts. [Reply]
Originally Posted by LoneWolf:
Why? If the statement is true, you are allowed to defend yourself. I don’t think the NFL expects a player to just stand there and let a female scratch their face and pull their hair.
In Texas once the cops are called 98% plus of the time someone gets arrested and the cops always ask the woman if she was choked… every time. If she lies and says yes when all emotional they arrest and charge a felony. [Reply]