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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
PunkinDrublic 01:12 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
That movie was ****ing horrendous. I really hate Will Smith's son.
Yup WS is going to do whatever it takes to shoehorn his kid into movies he doesn't belong in.
NewChief 01:17 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by Ceej:
That trailer reminded me of the Royal Tennenbaum's for some reason. I did not like that movie at all.
Probably reminded you of it because it's the same director. He has a unique style: Rushmore, Moonrise Kingdom, Djarleeing Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Bottle Rocket, Life Aquatic, etc...
Ceej 01:36 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Probably reminded you of it because it's the same director. He has a unique style: Rushmore, Moonrise Kingdom, Djarleeing Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Bottle Rocket, Life Aquatic, etc...
That's funny. I was thinking how funny it'd be if it was the same director - no shit.

I've not seen any of those movies listed above, nor do they appeal to me.
Baby Lee 01:56 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by Ceej:
That's funny. I was thinking how funny it'd be if it was the same director - no shit.

I've not seen any of those movies listed above, nor do they appeal to me.
Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom are standouts, but it you truly hated TRTs, then Wes might be a lost cause for you.

It's understandable, he's one of the more divisive directors, kind of what Lena Dunham gets nowadays.
nstygma 05:26 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom are standouts, but it you truly hated TRTs, then Wes might be a lost cause for you.

It's understandable, he's one of the more divisive directors, kind of what Lena Dunham gets nowadays.
Out of those listed, Life Aquatic was my favorite. Didn't care for Moonrise Kingdom at all.
The Franchise 07:14 PM 02-22-2014
Finally got to watch Prisoners. Good movie but it a little long at 2.5 hours. They could have cut out some of the parts that dragged.
NewChief 07:19 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by nstygma:
Out of those listed, Life Aquatic was my favorite. Didn't care for Moonrise Kingdom at all.
FMF is probably my favorite. I really likeD Moonrise. Rushmore and Bottle Rocket are absolute classics that put WA's stamp on cinema.
Baby Lee 07:33 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
FMF is probably my favorite. I really likeD Moonrise. Rushmore and Bottle Rocket are absolute classics that put WA's stamp on cinema.
I should revisit BR sometime, I saw it when it FIRST came out, can't recall if The Tivoli had it, or if I rented it first run. Liked it at the time, but haven't seen it since.
NewChief 07:41 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
I should revisit BR sometime, I saw it when it FIRST came out, can't recall if The Tivoli had it, or if I rented it first run. Liked it at the time, but haven't seen it since.
Full confession: I was a Boy Scout whose life centered around scouting for some of my formative years. While it's a totally silly WA take on scouting and summer camp, it still struck some pretty deep chords with me. YMMV.
Baby Lee 07:56 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Full confession: I was a Boy Scout whose life centered around scouting for some of my formative years. While it's a totally silly WA take on scouting and summer camp, it still struck some pretty deep chords with me. YMMV.
BR=Bottle Rocket
MRK = Moonrise Kingdom

MRK I've transferred to the HD so I don't have to even pull out the BluRay to watch it. Done that with about 50 movies to this point.

:-) - and totes Eagle Scout here.
NewChief 08:20 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
BR=Bottle Rocket
MRK = Moonrise Kingdom

MRK I've transferred to the HD so I don't have to even pull out the BluRay to watch it. Done that with about 50 movies to this point.

:-) - and totes Eagle Scout here.
Oh duh. Don't know why I decoded Moonrise Kingdom when I read BR.
Baby Lee 08:41 PM 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Oh duh. Don't know why I decoded Moonrise Kingdom when I read BR.
Speaking to the verisimilitude of WA movies, I like that his visual style reveals worlds very foreign to mine that I still get a sense of nostalgia.

The best analogy I can make is, I was a pretty misbehaving toddler/child, so around the holidays, I'd get in trouble and my punishment was I didn't get to watch the Rankin-Bass/Charlie Brown holiday specials. Then when I got to school, mom gave the TV to goodwill. But I share in my generation's nostalgia for those specials nonetheless.

So yes, MRK's depiction of scouting bears no resemblance to mine, but it somehow still looks like one I would have enjoyed in that family/cultural situation.
mikeyis4dcats. 10:48 AM 02-23-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
FMF is probably my favorite. I really likeD Moonrise. Rushmore and Bottle Rocket are absolute classics that put WA's stamp on cinema.
i'm not a huge Wes fan, but I love FMF. My wife doesn't like it, but our 3 year old is glued to the TV whenever I put it on.
Rasputin 10:52 AM 02-23-2014

Fire Me Boy! 12:16 PM 02-23-2014
Originally Posted by KC Tattoo:

You spelled it wrong... :-)

You me and Godzirra.
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