I need some help with some things i need to know on gettin married, the do's, the dont's, the things you need to know about that.
I see you guys here some are married some arent so the ones that know stuff i need to know let me know about it.
So what are the things i should know about it, cause i dont wanna wait my whole life to get married, i actually wanna be married before i turn 26 which is 6 years from now.
But I wanna get started early in startin a family, so what are the do's and dont's in marriage ???
Originally Posted by Chico Diablo:
That's my definition based on facts and experience. You have your own experience going for you, so you have your own definition to work with.
BTW, FWIW, I find this defensiveness rather interesting...
Alright slayer.......you snot nosed hairlip.
Please refrain from giving any further marraige advice, until you've had more than one car date, that your mother didn't drive. Please Also refrain from giving wedding night advice until you've broken the package on your own wedding tackle.............Then give it 4-5 well practiced years.
You'd do yourself a favor to read more and type less on these issues.
Crimmeny..........You probably haven't even figured out that you CAN toss off with the OTHER Hand Yet.