Have a hampster named Princess.
Have a 12-year-old Shitzu named Angel.
Have an 8-year-old female Golden Retriever named Marley.
Have a 6-year-old male Golden Retriever named Gunnar (after a former defense coordinator who was in good grace at the time).
Have a 6-month-old white male Boxer named Albert (I'm also a Cardinal fan). [Reply]
Originally Posted by CHENZ A!:
My baby jungle cat named Sade has been home for a week. She is a terror. She puts both of her feet in her water dish while getting a drink. Needs to be involved in everything I am doing and hates being told what to do, very stubborn just like Dad. She's very vocal too, even makes noise while she's eating.
That is, unless Phobia is a neo-Ludite and doesn't embrace the digital camera age, though, since he's posting here via the Intranets, it's a weak argument at best. [Reply]