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Nzoner's Game Room>*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****
Dante84 07:19 PM 04-27-2017


Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!
Chris Meck 09:04 PM 09-14-2023
My fiancee's oldest got a job at Foo's frozen custard in Brookside. It takes all of my willpower to limit myself to once a week, large Heath concrete.
BryanBusby 09:38 PM 09-14-2023
Originally Posted by staylor26:
What's your favorite ice cream?

Mine is cookies & cream. There's a place here that makes all there's homemade, and they put fresh crushed Oreos (with the cream) in that bitch. Good god it is amazing.
Cookie Two-Step. Plenty of oreos and cookie dough. Wonderful.

Worth risking the listeria.
Molitoth 11:28 PM 09-14-2023
those purple sweet chili Doritos are the best man.... I love them.... and so does my fav QB.
carcosa 11:51 PM 09-14-2023
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
I love this man so much.

Sweet n tangy bbq p good tbh
InChiefsHeaven 07:08 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by carcosa:
Sweet n tangy bbq p good tbh
It was, it is, and will always ranch baby...

Back in HS my band used to practice at the drummers house (of course) and his mom always had 2 huge bags of cool ranch Doritoes. We would CRUSH them...

I don't eat Doritos much anymore but when I do, I'm all about the cool ranch. Though, the sweet spicey chili is pretty awesome too.
Pepe Silvia 07:52 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven:
It was, it is, and will always ranch baby...

Back in HS my band used to practice at the drummers house (of course) and his mom always had 2 huge bags of cool ranch Doritoes. We would CRUSH them...

I don't eat Doritos much anymore but when I do, I'm all about the cool ranch. Though, the sweet spicey chili is pretty awesome too.
I’ll never forget being at a friends birthday party and his mom served Rotel cheese dip with the cool ranch Doritos, it was frickin awesome. I was used to eating it with tortilla chips, seriously try that shit if you haven’t.
The Franchise 07:52 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by staylor26:
What's your favorite ice cream?

Mine is cookies & cream. There's a place here that makes all there's homemade, and they put fresh crushed Oreos (with the cream) in that bitch. Good god it is amazing.
Go to Trader Joe’s and buy the Banana Pudding ice cream…..and then thank me later.
RealSNR 08:08 AM 09-15-2023
Some might wonder why we’re talking about Doritos and ice cream in the Mahomes thread.

Because he’s looking like a SNACK!!!!
Marcellus 08:19 AM 09-15-2023
:-) Get your own thread for this snack food bullshit.
FlaChief58 08:27 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by Marcellus:
:-) Get your own thread for this snack food bullshit.
C'mon man, cool ranch doritos are the Patrick Mahomes of the snack industry
RunKC 08:28 AM 09-15-2023
Highly recommend driving seaside highway 101 in Oregon, stopping at Cannon Beach and then hitting up the Tillamook creamery.

Amazing views and fresh ice cream. Doesn't get any better
ToxSocks 10:29 AM 09-15-2023
Patrick Mahomes, if you're one of our lurking unregistered guests and you're reading this:


Cool Ranch. Spicy Nacho. The new BBQ ones are fire. Sala Verde is a childhood fav.

Flaming hot are good, but they're not nearly as good as the original flaming hot dorritos from the 90's. Sorry that you missed out on that.
Pepe Silvia 10:31 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
Patrick Mahomes, if you're one of our lurking unregistered guests and you're reading this:


Cool Ranch. Spicy Nacho. The new BBQ ones are fire. Sala Verde is a childhood fav.

Flaming hot are good, but they're not nearly as good as the original flaming hot dorritos from the 90's. Sorry that you missed out on that.
Salsa Verde kick ass, ate the entire bag the first time I tried them on a lovely Saturday in 1998.
dlphg9 10:58 AM 09-15-2023
Originally Posted by KingPriest2:
What’s even more impressive about Holme. Is

2 less ganes
Was not the no 1 rb the first part of the 01 season
LT was already eat in 05
Aldo of priest don’t get hurt I. 04 78 ganes I.

Still picking Priest
Lol how drunk are you?
RedinTexas 11:29 AM 09-15-2023
I have just two words about eating Doritos in bed.

Acid reflux.
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