Alright, we all know that the rules of the bet created by Phil state one pic at the end of each month. As of whatever time it says at the top left corner of this post, this is the place goatcheese and slayer are to post those pictures. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Phobia:
Heh heh. Here's a little example for you, gochiefs. I have a weakness (many of them, actually). This one is my ego. Rausch is cracking on me for my ego problem. Except he knows it's not going to upset me. Why? Because I've accepted my weaknesses and embraced them. I have to either conquer them or work around 'em. It takes a while to reach this level of enlightenment. I didn't have a clue who I was at 23 and neither should you be expected to either.
Originally Posted by Phobia:
Heh heh. Here's a little example for you, gochiefs. I have a weakness (many of them, actually). This one is my ego. Rausch is cracking on me for my ego problem. Except he knows it's not going to upset me. Why? Because I've accepted my weaknesses and embraced them. I have to either conquer them or work around 'em. It takes a while to reach this level of enlightenment. I didn't have a clue who I was at 23 and neither should you be expected to either.
Are you saying I fly off the handle when people crack on me for my weaknesses? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Phobia:
Why did you quit? You wanted to be a journalist, but you blew it. You quit. All your example proves is that you're the chaff. You got separated, whether it was by virtue of a firing or of your own volition.
I THOUGHT I wanted to be a journalist. My short experiences in the field convinced me that I wanted no part of the profession DESPITE being able to do it.
I didn't "blow" anything. I made a decision based on what I wanted to do with my life. It wasn't journalism. [Reply]
he is saying that you should analyze why it upsets you and work on the cause, not the symptom.
people are always gonna push peoples buttons... if we all let that affect us negatively, there would be a lot more dead people on the highway from cutting me off.
Most shit is small meaningless shit, and you have to learn to let that shit bounce off your 'deflector shield'. [Reply]
Originally Posted by gochiefs:
Are you saying I fly off the handle when people crack on me for my weaknesses?
I'm saying that you have a whole lot of social weaknesses. I don't know what causes them, but my observations have taught me that you're very insecure and immature. You're never going to overcome these issues living under your mother's wing. You need to set out on your own and find yourself. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Phobia:
I'm saying that you have a whole lot of social weaknesses. I don't know what causes them, but my observations have taught me that you're very insecure and immature. You're never going to overcome these issues living under your mother's wing. You need to set out on your own and find yourself.
I disagree. I think I'm as capable of interacting socially with people as the next guy. Certainly I used to have issues in this department, but not anymore. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Ali Chi3fs:
yeah, if you are 23 and have never moved away from mom and dad... chances are that you may NEVER move away, thus NEVER getting laid.
points to ponder.
Perhaps, GoatCheese... you need to have a website. or something, give you an outlet for all your anger, and ridiculousness.
I don't think I have alot of anger inside me...not at all. [Reply]