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Nzoner's Game Room>*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****
Dante84 07:19 PM 04-27-2017


Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!
FlaChief58 01:32 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88:
Carl Peterson was on Petro’s show yesterday bragging about how he is Mahomes’ neighbor at Loch Lloyd and that he would have had reservations about drafting Mahomes because of his “Air Raid Background”.

What a tool… never change, King Carl.
Which is why we never won shit while he was in charge
Skyy God 01:43 PM 02-11-2023
We all have that one asshole neighbor….
tredadda 02:19 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88:
Carl Peterson was on Petro’s show yesterday bragging about how he is Mahomes’ neighbor at Loch Lloyd and that he would have had reservations about drafting Mahomes because of his “Air Raid Background”.

What a tool… never change, King Carl.
This is why we never won in the postseason (except for one Raiders game and the Joe Montana wins one year) with him as our GM. I could have fully seen him trading for Alex and this year moving on from him and bringing in Jimmy G.
Dante84 02:50 PM 02-11-2023
I thought it was widely known (thanks to kctv5 or someone) that PM2 lives right near the Plaza in the Mission Hills area?
Hammock Parties 02:52 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Dante84:
I thought it was widely known (thanks to kctv5 or someone) that PM2 lives right near the Plaza in the Mission Hills area?
patrick must have a lake house
Dante84 03:07 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
patrick must have a lake house
Like 5 miles south of his actual house?

He has the money, but that’s weird
Hammock Parties 03:25 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Dante84:
Like 5 miles south of his actual house?

He has the money, but that’s weird
maybe it's a timeshare
smithandrew051 03:30 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by smithandrew051:
Here are my two favorite things about Patrick Mahomes:

1. He is good at football
2. He plays for the Kansas City Chiefs

Here is my favorite thing about the Kansas City Chiefs:
1. They are my favorite professional football team
Still true
Spott 03:31 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88:
Carl Peterson was on Petro’s show yesterday bragging about how he is Mahomes’ neighbor at Loch Lloyd and that he would have had reservations about drafting Mahomes because of his “Air Raid Background”.

What a tool… never change, King Carl.
He would have traded for him once he played 10 seasons for the 49ers because that’s how you develop a franchise QB.
DrunkBassGuitar 04:01 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Rainbarrel:
The Grim Reaper has an upstart:

A Pennsylvania coroner announced today the "death" of the Kansas City Chiefs on Super Bowl Sunday. Lehigh County Coroner Daniel A. Buglio wrote in a press release Friday morning that the team will be laid to rest on Sunday at State Farm Stadium in Glendale Az
Why do these dumb nerds keep doing this stupid as cringe shit
comochiefsfan 04:57 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Dante84:
I thought it was widely known (thanks to kctv5 or someone) that PM2 lives right near the Plaza in the Mission Hills area?
Pretty sure that’s where he lives now, but he’s building his mansion down at Loch Lloyd.

Not sure when it’s going to be done.
Raiderhater 05:31 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by RealSNR:
Too many jabronis in this world, man
That’s no shit. One would think that this idiot coroner would have learned from the Cincy mayor to just stay in his lane.

I can’t wait for the Travis Kelce post game highlights on this one.
Coochie liquor 05:38 PM 02-11-2023
So Taylor Lewan been hitting that?? :-)
FloridaMan88 06:28 PM 02-11-2023
Originally Posted by Cave Johnson:
We all gave that one asshole neighbor….
Loch Lloyd HOA needs to update their residency rules to ban dumbshits who draft Trezelle Jenkins.
RealSNR 07:22 PM 02-11-2023
mAhOmEs DuZnT PLaY gOOd iN stupid BOwELs guyz lol

Yeah I totally think it's because the moment's too big for him. You know, the guy who has put up the greatest playoff per game numbers of any QB in NFL history and has the best playoff game win percentage of any serious contender for greatest QB in NFL history. Yeah, I think the moment is totally too big for him.

Fucking retards
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