I was remembering my youth in the mid-to-late 70's when Oklahoma and Nebraska had some of the best games. Giant Midwest cow tipping white heffers on one side pounding the giant Midwest corn fed farm boys on the other.
Power football and running attacks that we will never see again. Wishbone, I formations, the Power Sweep and a whole host of other long forgotten formations. [Reply]
Originally Posted by scho63:
I was remembering my youth in the mid-to-late 70's when Oklahoma and Nebraska had some of the best games. Giant Midwest cow tipping white heffers on one side pounding the giant Midwest corn fed farm boys on the other.
Power football and running attacks that we will never see again. Wishbone, I formations, the Power Sweep and a whole host of other long forgotten formations.
It lasted through the 80's, usually the winner of that game was going to play for the NC.
Then the Florida schools started dialing it up. [Reply]