Originally Posted by HC_Chief:
IMO what makes Andor so good is they take it seriously. No lame attempts at moronic humor. No "Marvel jokes" peppered into every other line. It is in line with the originals, well, at least episodes IV & V, before Lucas decided to focus more on selling toys than making decent movies. Can you imagine what "Revenge of the Jedi" would have been like on Kashyyk, with wookies instead of those stupid lame teddy bear ewoks? That could have been incredible, esp if he had hired another serious director (Kershner).
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
'bout !@#$ing time!
Feels like the last season was 4 years ago. They've made a lot of crap in between where I've said "Hey -- look at Andor, I KNOW you can make quality stuff! Why won't you?!?!"
I think why Andor worked was focusing on the people. Not X-wings and death stars but the people/species living in this universe.
That's what Mandolrian worked, we cared about the people, we got their back story and future plans etc. [Reply]
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
I think why Andor worked was focusing on the people. Not X-wings and death stars but the people/species living in this universe.
That's what Mandolrian worked, we cared about the people, we got their back story and future plans etc.
Nah -- that's not it.
Because Obi Wan was about 'the people' and sucked all kinds of horrific ass. Ahsoka was very much character driven and also bad.
Many of Mandolorian's best moments ARE about X-Wings and light sabers.
It's both simpler and less complicated than that. It's not just that they wrote a story around characters -- they wrote a story about compelling characters and had even the secondary and tertiary parts played by excellent performers giving us complex and developed characters. [Reply]
Originally Posted by UteChief:
This is as good of a place as any… reports are out Kathleen Kennedy is stepping down from Star Wars at the end of the year.
ding dong the witch is dead
Kathleen Kennedy is reportedly stepping down from her role as President of Lucasfilm by the end of 2025
It's only February. The bitch can still fuck a lot of shit up before the end of the year, especially if she goes scorched earth. Not that there's much left to ruin at this point. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Buehler445: Dork video I watched said that it was too expensive, so they cancelled it after this season.
They're doing similar blocks/timejumps as the last one.
Hopefully they didn't fuck with it too much to dump the cohesiveness of the stories/remove the stakes.
If anyone can do it Gilroy can, but yeah, nervous.
I mean - we know how the story ends.
So a 2 season arc is probably enough. Wouldn't have hated a 3rd, but I'd rather they stay expensive and good then try to cut the budget and lengthen it. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Why do these studios even take on ambitious projects like this? They know how much it's going to cost.
Bet we get an Andor movie. Oh wait, we did already, it was called Rogue One.
This sorts demonstrates how impossible it should've been to mess these movies up as badly as they did.
Andor will be, what, 8 hours or so of total content? So 3-4 movies worth of content. Cut some fluff out and you have -- what's that? A trilogy?
Centered around a side mission. That's it. An almost throwaway component of the overarching storyline and when combined with Rogue One it would've absolutely torched anything this entire saga has to offer short of A New Hope and Empire (which it would've gone toe to toe with).
And as I've referenced elsewhere, the EU offers INCREDIBLE stories and characters all over the place. Many of which could've handled the post Yavin period incredibly well and provided spectacular sequel material.
It's just such a damn shame that they fumbled those and seems almost impossible that they managed it. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
This sorts demonstrates how impossible it should've been to mess these movies up as badly as they did.
Andor will be, what, 8 hours or so of total content? So 3-4 movies worth of content. Cut some fluff out and you have -- what's that? A trilogy?
Centered around a side mission. That's it. An almost throwaway component of the overarching storyline and when combined with Rogue One it would've absolutely torched anything this entire saga has to offer short of A New Hope and Empire (which it would've gone toe to toe with).
And as I've referenced elsewhere, the EU offers INCREDIBLE stories and characters all over the place. Many of which could've handled the post Yavin period incredibly well and provided spectacular sequel material.
It's just such a damn shame that they fumbled those and seems almost impossible that they managed it.
Oh...wow. A trilogy of two Andor movies and Rogue One? Holy shit. It would have been better than the original three. It would not have been for the little kiddies, though. Skarsgård is not selling toys with that speech. [Reply]