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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Hydrae 05:37 PM 02-15-2014
Took the wife to see Monuments Men last night. Enjoyed it a lot. Not your typical war flick by any means but it really is not meant to be. Interesting look at a piece of history, based on a true story.
Kylo Ren 06:16 PM 02-15-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Was it really that bad? I've been debating whether I want to watch it or not.
Yes. It was stupid. The obvious liberal message was annoying.
The Franchise 11:54 PM 02-15-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Probably due to having read the book. Storyline is good, acting is fine, CGI is good. Just doesn't compare to the book.
This. They completely skipped over a majority of Ender's development.
BigBeauford 10:04 AM 02-16-2014
Saw Place Beyond the Pines. Truly one of the best movies I have seen in years.
Pablo 01:16 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by BigBeauford:
Saw Place Beyond the Pines. Truly one of the best movies I have seen in years.

It was alright. About forty minutes too long.

Oldboy. Strong meh. I was expecting better based on the reviews on here.
Fairplay 01:57 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
He literally starved himself.

Like Bale did for "The Machinist."

Bale and Daniel Day Lewis are the best two actors at this time IMO.
ThaVirus 02:12 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fairplay:
Bale and Daniel Day Lewis are the best two actors at this time IMO.
Leo DiCaprio!
Fairplay 02:16 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Leo DiCaprio!

He's a very good actor no question he will get an Oscar one day.
NewChief 04:20 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by John_Wayne:
Yes. It was stupid. The obvious liberal message was annoying.
I don't get this. How is it an obvious liberal message? OSC, the author of the book, is a fairly conservative Mormon.
Baby Lee 04:39 PM 02-16-2014
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Leo DiCaprio!
Leo is skilled, but he suffers from 'Hey! That's Tom Cruise' disease.

Not his fault.

OTOH, I sat through the entirety of The Fighter, and didn't so much as think of Bruce Wayne, let alone Christian Bale.
mikeyis4dcats. 07:13 PM 02-16-2014
Bale is pretty amazing at transforming himself. My wife is always the one saying "hey, isn't that so and so from XXXXX" and it took her about 10 minutes in American Hustle to recognize Bale.

I mean christ, she recognized Jerod Leto in Dallas Buyers Club, and I totally forgot he even existed.
In58men 12:27 AM 02-17-2014
Just watched Reasonable Doubt. I give it a C-.
Easy 6 12:48 AM 02-17-2014
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Leo DiCaprio!
Excellent, but even then... completely overrated... Bale, DDL, Joaquin Phoenix, I'd cast any of those three before Leo... and not necessarily in that order.

Leo gets more attention than he deserves due to his sex appeal with women and Scorseses undying devotion.

He's better than the overrated Depp, but not better than the mentioned three.
Easy 6 02-17-2014, 12:50 AM
This message has been deleted by Easy 6.
ragedogg69 03:13 PM 02-17-2014
Tested out my new 3D projector with Thor the Dark World Saturday. Good flick. I just wish Loki was in it more.
In58men 04:39 PM 02-17-2014
Originally Posted by Ceej:
Fruitvale Station.

I just watched it breh, pretty good movie breh. Very sad breh.

I remembered when that happened. Sad story, cop only served 11 months. Just shows how ****ed up our police force really is. Killed an innocent man. The Chief even stepped down right after that happened
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