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Nzoner's Game Room>Post your media crying material here
RunKC 09:23 PM 01-26-2025
There’s a lot of vaginal bleeding happening right now. Let’s all take it in and post the good stuff
comochiefsfan 06:28 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
Yeah, the lack of self awareness is astounding.
I’m mostly kidding.

As the rivalry has kind of disappeared I’ve relaxed a lot of my animosity towards kU and view you all much more ambivalently (which kind of sucks in a way).

However, Thomas Robinson body slammed Phil Pressey and kU fans know it, even if they won’t admit it.

I’m never backing down from that one.
DRM08 06:29 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by comochiefsfan:
Ironically, the only thing that would satisfy these lunatics would be the NFL actually rigging a game.

Against the Chiefs.
Correct. They want each game to have 30 penalties on the Chiefs and ZERO penalties on Chief opponents.
Why Not? 06:38 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by bobbything:
I love this. Have a bunch of buddies who are super jealous of the Chiefs. Most of them are Falcons fans, somehow. Anyway I just posted this on our text thread. Can’t wait for responses.
MVChiefs 06:53 PM 01-28-2025
People actually putting on Chiefs gear and pretending to be fans all to say they aren’t fans anymore because the refs is next level crazy!!! Bills fans actually broke their brains with this loss. Read the replies to how all these Bills fans now have Chiefs friends who agree it’s rigged for them hahaha. I can’t post links yet, but it was on Twitter. What absolute losers.
jerryaldini 06:57 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan:
Isn't it sad that most of the people who support us are ex-Patriots?

This was awesome “They’re better coached…situationally tight…mistake free…other teams going for 2 point conversions in the 2nd quarter (ouch Bills)…Eagles are going to have a perfect game”.

I’m actually glad Brady is on the call because he more than anyone won’t be talking about ref bias for Mahomes.
staylor26 07:02 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by MVChiefs:
People actually putting on Chiefs gear and pretending to be fans all to say they aren’t fans anymore because the refs is next level crazy!!! Bills fans actually broke their brains with this loss. Read the replies to how all these Bills fans now have Chiefs friends who agree it’s rigged for them hahaha. I can’t post links yet, but it was on Twitter. What absolute losers.
Every time I see a "I'm a Chiefs fans and even I think this is ridiculous" comment on social media I know it's horseshit.
DRM08 07:08 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan:
Isn't it sad that most of the people who support us are ex-Patriots?

Good to see that from both Edelman & Eisen. It is really weird to see the Patriot guys supporting the Chiefs, but these are the only two teams in the last 25 years (social media era) that have experienced dynasty success on the field mixed with irrational hatred from fans and media around the league. There is definitely a shared experience.
Graystoke 07:15 PM 01-28-2025
If we are being honest a lot of Chiefs fans thought the NFL was rigged for Tom Brady and the Patriots. Hell, I am still bias to some of that narrative. The difference today is more access to media, often AI written for clicks, NFL legal gambling and a society that can’t cope with losing…especially their moneys
htismaqe 07:17 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by Graystoke:
If we are being honest a lot of Chiefs fans thought the NFL was rigged for Tom Brady and the Patriots. Hell, I am still bias to some of that narrative. The difference today is more access to media, often AI written for clicks, NFL legal gambling and a society that can’t cope with losing…especially their moneys
The difference is that the Patriots actually cheated.
Frazod 07:25 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by Graystoke:
If we are being honest a lot of Chiefs fans thought the NFL was rigged for Tom Brady and the Patriots. Hell, I am still bias to some of that narrative. The difference today is more access to media, often AI written for clicks, NFL legal gambling and a society that can’t cope with losing…especially their moneys
The gambling thing, which I maintain is absolutely horrible, has made a big difference. Before it was just people who'd grumble and bitch over games that had no real impact on them. Now, you have legions of degenerate gamblers losing real money and bleeding all over social media about it. I LOST BECAUSE OF THE REFS!!!!!!!!!!! Not, of course, because I'm a fucking fool for betting on this crap in the first place.
tredadda 07:48 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by jerryaldini:
Can you guys please answer something for me? I'm trying to understand how the conspiracy could work, and who would organize it.

Troy Vincent, former CB (including Bills and Eagles), is EVP of Football Operations responsible for: developing the game, ensuring consistency in the rules and officiating, and strengthening the NFL brand. He reports to Commissioner Goodell, who is accountable to the Executive Committee of league owners.

We know that behind any good conspiracy is the motive of money, which means TV ratings and merchandise sales in this case. The primary theory seems to center on Taylor Swift being uniquely good for bringing in new fans and especially for TV ratings, doesn't it? I can't think of any other reasonable angle.

So the either the other owners would have to agree to have Goodell and Vincent pressure refs, which is ludicrous, or those two and their reports would have to conspire independently of the owners, presumably because their compensation is tied to revenue, and the refs would have to get a cut. They would risk losing their positions when inevitably the plot is uncovered because it involves so many players.

Am I doing this right? I just wish one of these idiot reporters would ask someone like Adam Schefter, ok, just tell me exactly how you think this is being done and by whom? Also, I don't understand why the owners and Goodell don't step in and deny access to these fools like Schefter who are damaging the brand of the NFL?

In today's world whether in real life, politics, or sports, you get to just make shit up and keep saying it until a certain percentage of people will start to believe it, especially if it confirms their bias or wishes. I think Orwell wrote a book about that once.
Ultimately someone would have to sign off on this without everyone else knowing. But if you were to ask the mouth breathers who would do that you will just get the generic “the NFL”.
htismaqe 08:14 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by tredadda:
Ultimately someone would have to sign off on this without everyone else knowing. But if you were to ask the mouth breathers who would do that you will just get the generic “the NFL”.
Right. They have zero idea how the NFL is actually structured. "It's entertainment!"
MarkDavis'Haircut 09:03 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
Because in the end, these conspiracy theories aren't tarnishing the brand at all. Viewership is at an all-time high.
Controversy sells.

80% of the boycotters will still watch.
tredadda 09:06 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
Right. They have zero idea how the NFL is actually structured. "It's entertainment!"
Yeah far too many people think that the NFL is essentially the WWE.
MarkDavis'Haircut 09:07 PM 01-28-2025
Originally Posted by tredadda:
Yeah far too many people think that the NFL is essentially the WWE.
"And here comes Andy Reid with a chair! Oh, the humanity!"
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