Originally Posted by Skip Towne:
You seem to know a lot about it. But if you don't quit telling people it is salty you and me are going to have trouble............
So you are saying you like it when a man sucks on your penis.
Originally Posted by Skip Towne:
You seem to know a lot about it. But if you don't quit telling people it is salty you and me are going to have trouble............
This thread is getting weirder. And that is a really hard thing to do. [Reply]
Originally Posted by GoChiefs:
Finish what? How? You're pathetic.
You should know pathetic. It inhabits your parents basement. Aren't you even a little bit ashamed of bumming off them all this time? Do you think they want to support your fat ass forever? You personify pathetic. You are fat, lazy and a general drag on society. If everyone acted like you it would set the US back 100 years. Don't talk to me about pathetic!!! [Reply]