I was bored and watched all three episodes that have been aired so far on OnDemand. I actually think the show is pretty damn good so far, I like the character a lot. [Reply]
As always, the slow burn is building into a really good season (IMO). It lacks the epic feeling of seasons 1 and 4 b/c of the lack of a formidable single foe, but I like the development of Lumen's character as well as the possibility of that cocksucking Robocop motherfucker getting sliced and diced. [Reply]
Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins:
As always, the slow burn is building into a really good season (IMO). It lacks the epic feeling of seasons 1 and 4 b/c of the lack of a formidable single foe, but I like the development of Lumen's character as well as the possibility of that cocksucking Robocop motherfucker getting sliced and diced.
Yep, I can't wait to see Robocop on the table. [Reply]
Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins:
As always, the slow burn is building into a really good season (IMO). It lacks the epic feeling of seasons 1 and 4 b/c of the lack of a formidable single foe, but I like the development of Lumen's character as well as the possibility of that cocksucking Robocop motherfucker getting sliced and diced.
Yes. This episode was very good. I like the direction the season is going. [Reply]
I also like the fact that they returned LaGuerta back to her relentlessly political cunt self that she was for the first two seasons. Yes, it's nice to humanize the ass-kissing boss to an extent, but it's not like she'd truly evolved as a person.
Combine that with the numerous mistakes Dexter has made this year, and you have a hell of a lot of seeds that are already planted for a hunt in season six.
Unless the hotel was checked out under Lumen's name (and Dex doesn't have an alias with a CC), that broken door coupled with Cole's disappearance will raise some questions. [Reply]
Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins:
Unless the hotel was checked out under Lumen's name (and Dex doesn't have an alias with a CC), that broken door coupled with Cole's disappearance will raise some questions.
I wondered about that, as well. Surely, he checked under an alias. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Lzen:
BTW, how did that detective that is working for Quinn get the pics from above? Was on Dex's boat? Was on something nearby? WTF?
My first thought as well. I doubt very seriously that Dexter dumps bodies 500 yards from shore [Reply]