So, a similar charge was brought against former Texas Longhorns basketball coach, Chris Beard.
It's important to know that this specific charge doesn't necessarily mean he was choking the woman out. It means that somehow his hands came in contact with her head or neck area. He could've been shoving her out the door and his hands came in contact with her neck and this escalator will be added to the charge.
It's like roughing the QB. If your forearm hits the head or neck area, it's roughing the passer. If you come in contact with the head or neck, this escalator will be added to the charge.
It doesn't look good, but the wording of the charge is much more severe than what might have catually happened. [Reply]
Originally Posted by RunKC:
Asking bc I have no idea.
Worthy was arrested for strangulation. Can you be arrested for that simply from a claim or does there have to be explicit evidence of him doing that?
Bc if there’s no evidence this will be a case of “he said/she said”
no expert on texas law but i work in a clinic where we see a lot of cases of dv among other things. ive seen plenty of 'abusers' get locked up on probable cause [Reply]
Originally Posted by wazu:
What do you mean? Xavier's attorney has let the world know that his accuser is a cheating slutbag. Now she'll probably be so embarrassed she'll drop the charges. Trust the process.
She won’t drop the charges due to embarrassment. But a large cash deposit in her bank account might do the trick. [Reply]
Looking at the statement his attorneys made/released, the defense they’re alleging (she cheated, he caught her, told her to get out of his house she refused and stayed for days and days, then tried to extort him, now is pressing charges for something that didn’t happen)…
There are pieces of that that are pretty easy to show/prove. I doubt they’d make that strong of a statement unless they can show/prove the requests she leave and her attempts to extort him. [Reply]