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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Baby Lee 04:02 PM 01-20-2019
Originally Posted by Bowser:

Attention to detail is what has gotten me so far in life :-)
Brave strategy. :-)
Nickhead 11:28 PM 01-25-2019
pretty good flick: Polar

Coochie liquor 05:58 PM 01-29-2019
Originally Posted by Nickhead:
pretty good flick: Polar

Watched it 2 nights ago. Liked it a lot. And not just because of Sindy!!
Fish 06:10 PM 01-29-2019
Originally Posted by Nickhead:
pretty good flick: Polar

Saw this last night. Thought it was meh. Tried too hard for a Tarantino vibe. Mads was great as usual. But the baddies were corny as hell. And the Blut character? Holy fuck that was a complete and total miss. That guy pretty much ruined it for me.
Frazod 03:28 PM 02-08-2019
Has anybody seen this? I only heard about it yesterday. Looks amazing. Basically Peter Jackson has converted old World War I footage into a format that looks like a modern documentary, with sound.

Frazod 09:49 PM 02-10-2019
Originally Posted by Frazod:
Has anybody seen this? I only heard about it yesterday. Looks amazing. Basically Peter Jackson has converted old World War I footage into a format that looks like a modern documentary, with sound.

Saw this tonight. It was remarkable. It's almost completely comprised of actual footage and veteran interviews from the 70s. Obviously they had to fudge the sounds, but were as faithful to what things would have sounded like as possible, including using forensic lip readers to identify the words being spoken and then having people from the correct regions of Britain actually record the dialogue. There was a half hour bit at the end of the picture where Jackson described how it was made. Hats off to him for taking the time to tell this story so well. Can't imagine it'll be much of a money maker for him.

If you are a history buff, I highly recommend it.
ToxSocks 11:10 PM 02-12-2019
Watched "The Prodigy" in the theater last night.

Story driven thriller more so than horror. More creepy than scary. I thought it was good. Not a jump scare or gore kinda film though if that's what you want.
Prison Bitch 12:09 PM 02-13-2019
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Watched this one tonight and know exactly what scene you're talking about. I would suck her toes and eat her ass- no doubt about it. Oh, and the movie was really good too.
Chock full of lies, actually. Quite literally, almost none of it was true.
ThaVirus 04:12 PM 02-13-2019
Originally Posted by Prison Bitch:
Chock full of lies, actually. Quite literally, almost none of it was true.
Did you expect the absolute truth from a Hollywood movie?
mikeyis4dcats. 04:46 PM 02-13-2019
Cold Pursuit. Somewhat entertaining. What was the last movie where Liam Neeson wasn't avenging someone's murder/assault/kidnapping?
Baby Lee 05:34 PM 02-13-2019
Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats.:
Cold Pursuit.
KCUnited 08:03 AM 02-17-2019
The Night Comes For Us (2018) is probably 35-40 minutes too long but really scratches that ultra violence, martial arts/gun hybrid itch. The story is pretty dumb and it bogs downs at times, but the final fight scene is worthy. Recommended if you've got 2 hours to kill over a weekend.
DeepPurple 09:38 AM 02-17-2019
I just saw Melissa McCarthy on CBS Sunday morning talking about her latest movie, "Can you Ever Forgive Me". Sounds like something I would want to see. She up for an Academy Award for her role. It's a drama and a true one at that. Playing author Lee Israel, who made a living writing biographies of famous personalities such as Dorothy Kilgallen (What's my Line), Katherine Hepburn, etc. Apparently her last book was a bomb, and she fell down on her luck, so she came up with the idea of writing phony letters from famous people and then selling them. She wrote something like 400 over three years.

It sounds like an intriguing story and I probably didn't give it even a glance since I figured it was another McCarthy crap comedy. It came out November 2nd, so it's already come and gone from the theaters. I was wondering if anyone actually saw the film, what did you think?

DeepPurple 09:51 AM 02-17-2019
Originally Posted by Nzoner:
Sorry it was new to me but just found this gem on Amazon Prime,I can actually say there were moments that gave me the chills

I saw that on Showtime or Starz like six months ago, it was scary as you say. I really enjoyed it. I was surprised that Brian Cox appeared in such a low budget film. What got me to watch it was Ophelia Lovibond, she was the guest character Kitty on Elementary, a couple of seasons ago. I had hoped they would of kept her on the show. Anyway, Ophelia was listed in this film, it was a small part, but I really got hooked on her from Elementary.

Frazod 11:37 PM 02-26-2019
This looks promising.

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