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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Bowser 09:25 AM 11-04-2018
Watched Hotel Artemis last night. Was solidly underwhelmed. Decent premise, good cast, but pretty firmly "meh".
sully1983 03:57 PM 11-04-2018
Originally Posted by Bowser:
Watched Hotel Artemis last night. Was solidly underwhelmed. Decent premise, good cast, but pretty firmly "meh".
completely agree here . The premise sounded intriguing but it wasn't executed well at all. I did like some of the banter between Baustia's character & Jodie Foster 's character but that was it. Overall it was meh.
Rivaldo 09:36 PM 11-20-2018
not a new movie, but it's a favorite of mine, and on TCM this very moment

Men Don't Leave

check it out sometime. It actually may be available for free on utube

Jessica Lange stars. It'll break your heart, but it's triumphant, too.

"They sure do love their Daddies, don't they?"
Baby Lee 10:12 PM 11-20-2018
Wish I could be more enthusiastic after watching The Other Side of the Wind.

It works as a time capsule, and as an experiment, but was still a little too slapdash to qualify as high quality.

Part of that may be it's time capsule status. At the time it was being made, Hollywood was first strugging with it's insularity and power. But by now, the story of all the facade and braggadocio behind the auteur.

It was a long project, the last one, of Orson Welles. It was supposed to be a cinema verite view of the night of the screening of a towering director's final film. All the press, and hangers-on, and glad-handers whirling around an aging drunk seeking to sop up wisdom, celebrity, cachet, etc.

Welles never finished it, but it was cobbled and post-productioned together by others.

The closest I could summarize to describe it is if Robert Altman had made Entourage in the late 1960s, early 1970s.

That said, John Huston is impeccible. Almost worth watching for him alone. As memorable as he was in Chinatown. Reminiscent of Daniel Plainview in TWBB

sully1983 05:19 PM 11-23-2018
Overlord was just okay (not as wild & crazy as a lot of the critics said it was though). 6/10
Kurt Russell's son is one of the main leads (not anywhere close as charismatic or as good as his old man)
-King- 09:30 PM 11-25-2018
Watched Justice league the other day. I was prepared for a Batman vs Superman type shit show but it actually wasn't that bad. The CGI was pure shit though.
Posted via Mobile Device
mikeyis4dcats. 09:00 AM 11-26-2018
Originally Posted by sully1983:
Overlord was just okay (not as wild & crazy as a lot of the critics said it was though). 6/10
Kurt Russell's son is one of the main leads (not anywhere close as charismatic or as good as his old man)

I gave it a 7.5/10. Fun flick.
Rivaldo 06:02 PM 11-26-2018
Had seen one of The Purge movies mentioned in another forum lol

watched the 1st one and most of the 2nd. What a waste of what could've, in better hands, been an awesome premise. Horrible movies.
ThaVirus 09:55 PM 11-26-2018
I've recently started back up on my classic tear. Watched Robocop last night. It had a lot more gore than I was expecting..

Now I'm moving on to the Bond films.. all of them. Starting with the Connery's.

Wish me luck!
[Reply] 12:09 PM 11-27-2018
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
I've recently started back up on my classic tear. Watched Robocop last night. It had a lot more gore than I was expecting..

Now I'm moving on to the Bond films.. all of them. Starting with the Connery's.

Wish me luck!
I've made my way thru them recently.

Just finished the most recent Bonds with Craig. Fuck he was good. I always end up drinking a vesper martini after watching them though.
DeepPurple 10:27 AM 12-02-2018

Coming Christmas Day!! The previews are very funny.

Baby Lee 11:24 AM 12-25-2018
Oh, man!! PUMPED!!!

MarkDavis'Haircut 04:16 PM 12-28-2018
Originally Posted by
I've made my way thru them recently.

Just finished the most recent Bonds with Craig. **** he was good. I always end up drinking a vesper martini after watching them though.
Craig's Bond bores me.
Sweet Daddy Hate 04:53 PM 12-28-2018
I came across a movie the other night that was new to me, anyway. It's called "The Green Inferno", and it features 1 1/2 hours of SJW's getting EXACTLY what they deserve. It was glorious.
Nzoner 08:26 AM 12-29-2018
Went to see this yesterday,well worth the price of admission

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