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Nzoner's Game Room>Any superstitions?
UChieffyBugger 04:01 AM 02-01-2020
As we draw closer to judgement day, I was wondering if anyone else has any superstitions when it pertains to the Chiefs/sports teams you follow? That guy who left the Texans game early is a clear example of adhering to a superstition but other folks have "lucky charms" like a favourite jersey or have to sit in a certain place when they watch the game etc etc :-) .
HemiEd 10:49 AM 02-01-2020
Several I have developed over the years.

#1 I have to watch the game at my house, when I don't, they seem to lose.

#2 I can't post in game threads, when I have, the majority of the time they have lost.

#3 Since the Green Bay game I have worn my white long sleeve Chiefs shirt. I was wearing one of the red ones before.

But I am not superstitious nor do I think I have any bearing on how the Chiefs do. :-)
GMitch 10:51 AM 02-01-2020
Originally Posted by trndobrd:
I was 6 months old last time the Chiefs won the Superbowl.... will be drinking out of a bottle but not sure about wearing a diaper during the game.
I was 23 years old the last time the Chiefs won the Superbowl. Fortunately, still not wearing a diaper.
Chiefnj2 10:51 AM 02-01-2020
I will wear the same thing I wore for the AFC championship game. None of it is Chiefs fear.
tyecopeland 11:34 AM 02-01-2020
I do not believe that anything I do has any affect on the outcome of a game being played far away from where I am.
UChieffyBugger 09:44 AM 02-15-2025
Just thinking back to the superbowl. Many people were frantic about what time the game thread was started and it made me think about this thread I started before our first SB win. A few things stuck with me that I think about now.

1. When we've won the AFC championship game and everyone is on stage talking, Travis usually yells out that famous rallying cry!!.."You've gotta fight!!..for your right!! paaaaaaarrrtttyy!!". I remember watching him talking and waiting for that same cry we've heard so many times but for some reason he didn't do it. And maybe that was a reflection of how the guys were feeling going into the game. No hype at all.

2. There was something going around twitter saying the team who arrives at the superbowl first had won the previous SIX games? Well Philly arrived first.

3. Before playoff games I always look at the oppositions injury reports and tendencies. The last few years I wasn't as active. But the two times I put a lot work into were Tampa and this Philly game smh.

4. Lastly there was a picture going around twitter the Friday before the game of the big screen in the Saints stadium and it said "Eagles superbowl champions". Perhaps they were testing out stuff but when I saw that it did make me pause and wonder if this game was just not gonna be our night.
burt 10:18 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
Not for a long time, I'm an adult now.
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Kris15 10:26 AM 02-15-2025
It seems like every time I watch a Chiefs game at home with my nephew, they end up losing. It happened during the Super Bowl against Tampa Bay, then again in the AFC Championship against the Bengals.

This time, I couldn’t avoid it—we all gathered as a family to watch, and once again, we lost.

Lesson learned. I’m never doing this again!
Bearcat 10:26 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by burt:
About the superstitions or about being an adult?
Womble 10:33 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger:
Just thinking back to the superbowl. Many people were frantic about what time the game thread was started and it made me think about this thread I started before our first SB win. A few things stuck with me that I think about now.

1. When we've won the AFC championship game and everyone is on stage talking, Travis usually yells out that famous rallying cry!!.."You've gotta fight!!..for your right!! paaaaaaarrrtttyy!!". I remember watching him talking and waiting for that same cry we've heard so many times but for some reason he didn't do it. And maybe that was a reflection of how the guys were feeling going into the game. No hype at all.

2. There was something going around twitter saying the team who arrives at the superbowl first had won the previous SIX games? Well Philly arrived first.

3. Before playoff games I always look at the oppositions injury reports and tendencies. The last few years I wasn't as active. But the two times I put a lot work into were Tampa and this Philly game smh.

4. Lastly there was a picture going around twitter the Friday before the game of the big screen in the Saints stadium and it said "Eagles superbowl champions". Perhaps they were testing out stuff but when I saw that it did make me pause and wonder if this game was just not gonna be our night.
The reason for our loss wasn't our o line being a disaster waiting to happen. Nor was it the shitty game plan the Chiefs drew up beforehand.

The Chiefs clearly lost because UChieffyBugger looked at the Eagles injury report. Shame on you.
ThaVirus 10:46 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by Womble:
The reason for our loss wasn't our o line being a disaster waiting to happen. Nor was it the shitty game plan the Chiefs drew up beforehand.

The Chiefs clearly lost because UChieffyBugger looked at the Eagles injury report. Shame on you.
No, you see, it was actually the fact that we had three different game threads on ChiefsPlanet.
burt 10:49 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
About the superstitions or about being an adult?
The adult part.:-)
UChieffyBugger 10:52 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by Womble:
The reason for our loss wasn't our o line being a disaster waiting to happen. Nor was it the shitty game plan the Chiefs drew up beforehand.

The Chiefs clearly lost because UChieffyBugger looked at the Eagles injury report. Shame on you.
Superstitions are a real thing man even Mahomes says so :-)
UChieffyBugger 10:53 AM 02-15-2025
Originally Posted by Kris15:
It seems like every time I watch a Chiefs game at home with my nephew, they end up losing. It happened during the Super Bowl against Tampa Bay, then again in the AFC Championship against the Bengals.

This time, I couldn’t avoid it—we all gathered as a family to watch, and once again, we lost.

Lesson learned. I’m never doing this again!
It's crazy how that's happened :-)
Rainbarrel 11:16 AM 02-15-2025
"I will never drink again, I swear"
Valiant 03:39 PM 02-15-2025
I blame the mayor.
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