Just finished first season. This show is really enjoyable. Good plot. Lots of criminal politics and violence. Interesting characters. But the style and costuming. Damn. So interesting to make such a squalid environment look so simultaneously stylish. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Nzoner:
I've now watched season 1 and 4 episodes of season 2 in the last few weeks,going to try and finish this weekend,loving it.
Episode 4 season 2 is probably one of the best hours of entertainment I've watched in TV/movie. [Reply]
One of my favorite shows. I really like this season, but I’m not thrilled with how they ended it. They usually don’t leave the end of the season so unresolved. Kind of sucks that it’s basically a setup for next season. [Reply]
Originally Posted by NewChief:
One of my favorite shows. I really like this season, but I’m not thrilled with how they ended it. They usually don’t leave the end of the season so unresolved. Kind of sucks that it’s basically a setup for next season.
My reaction was, what the hell did I just watch. [Reply]
Season 2 is a bit of an overcomplicated slog. 3 is guilty of some of the same things but has more interesting characters in the process and has found a new primary protagonist so that helps.
Season 4 is outstanding even if Brody overacts like a MFer.
Haven't started 5 yet because I wanted to re-watch 1 and 2 first. I hear 5 isn't as good as 4 but probably better than the other seasons. In either event, the first 4 seasons are worth it for Alfie Solomons alone.