Its camping season, so I figured its time for a repository for all of the cool tips and tricks to be found out there that can make your experience easier and more enjoyable... don't wanna pack a tent so you can really rough it? theres a lot of different shelter designs out there, need to start a fire but forgot the lighter? there are tricks out there for that as well.
It can also branch out into cool knowledge that's useful around the home and in life in general, which is why I threw "life hacks" in there... this thread is for outdoorsmen and everyman.
Tell us your trick for saving money around the house, building a fire, catching food, making a field expedient water filter etc. [Reply]
pillow pets are just about the perfect size for a head rest while sitting on your couch or chair. It may look silly, but they are very comfortable. [Reply]
Don't align your lamp tables with the front of your recliners, align them with the back, because when you recline, the table will be too far out in front of you to comfortably reach your drink or evening snacks. [Reply]
If you have kids, teach them to load disks in the DVD player. They enjoy the hell out of the job, and you can just point to the next movie to watch. [Reply]
My wife wants to go camping. But knowing her, that's probably only because she has never been.
I can't get the bugs off the table because we are eating in their yard. That white and black stuff on the table is definitely not bird poop either. Probably just remnants of some oreos.
So we will definitely be borrowing our equipment for the first time we go. [Reply]
I'm sure everyone who's ever camped has been surprised at just how fast a fire can die out without constant feeding and tending, if you want a fire that keeps you warm all night while you snore, here it is.
It takes a bit of work and the vids a bit long, but this obviously works...
As far as catching things, I've found that taking a bag of Dove Chocolates into a Hooters and sitting at the bar, is great bait for attracting Hooters Girls. [Reply]
This is pretty elementary, but I always make a few meals in advance. Scrambled eggs and cheese, onions, and peppers frozen in pint baggies. Same for chili or stew. Then these frozen baggies keep your other fresh meats cool until you use them. When ready for a meal, simply hang the baggie in boiling water with a stick and wire, and you will have meals ready to go with little or no cleanup. [Reply]
A great tip I picked up from the old man for staying warm at night without building an "all night fire" is this... several hours before bed, put a grapefruit sized rock in the fire, about an hour before bed shove that rock into an old pillowcase and throw it in your fart sack.
Leave it in while you sleep if its very cold out, or take it out before bed if you just want to warm things up in cool weather... but be careful about the rock you choose, if its been soaked in water it might explode in your face while sitting in the fire.
The water heats up and steam pressure can explode the rock. [Reply]
Originally Posted by scott free:
This is what I'm talkin bout, I've got 50 in a Ziploc baggie, once lit with my handy dandy ferrocerium rod they burn hot for a good 5 minutes, plenty of time to get even soggy tinder going.
Do you put the Vaseline on them first, then stick them in the bag? [Reply]
Originally Posted by scott free:
I KNOW you've got some great outdoorsman tips, let the knowledge flow...
I’ll admit I was looking for a good tick removal video to post because I’m sure they’re going to be thick this year. I already found one on me after fishing a farm pond about 3 weeks ago.
Originally Posted by tooge:
This is pretty elementary, but I always make a few meals in advance. Scrambled eggs and cheese, onions, and peppers frozen in pint baggies. Same for chili or stew. Then these frozen baggies keep your other fresh meats cool until you use them. When ready for a meal, simply hang the baggie in boiling water with a stick and wire, and you will have meals ready to go with little or no cleanup.
:-) that kind of tip is exactly what I'm looking for, the food you take with you can double as what helps keep everything else cold. [Reply]