4th and Long 10:31 PM 11-05-2011
Just a gentle reminder to fall back 1 hour, at 2 a.m, tomorrow morning, unless you live in Arizona or Hawaii.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Chiefsplanet broadcast.
BigMeatballDave 10:43 PM 11-05-2011
Originally Posted by Bugeater :
Stupid, useless, outdated concept.
Pretty much. The good news is, I dont have any clocks that I have to set.
Caseyguyrr 10:49 PM 11-05-2011
just one more hour of work for the midnight-over-the-weekend-low-level employees
kysirsoze 10:52 PM 11-05-2011
Originally Posted by Bugeater :
I have yet to hear a good reason why we ever started doing it to begin with.
chefsos 10:55 PM 11-05-2011
Originally Posted by Caseyguyrr :
just one more hour of work for the midnight-over-the-weekend-low-level employees
Yeah, but if you fuck something up between 1am and 2, you get a do-over!
Caseyguyrr 10:56 PM 11-05-2011
Originally Posted by chefsos :
Yeah, but if you **** something up between 1am and 2, you get a do-over!
dude, i never thought of it like that before
Tribal Warfare 12:16 AM 11-06-2011
fall- fall back
Spring- spring forward
that's how I remember it anyway
Psyko Tek 12:23 AM 11-06-2011
my puter reset it sewlf last week end
(not a new machine) AND i LIVE IN AZ ANYWAY
jutst figured the guy I bought it from would have it set right
Chiefs Pantalones 12:29 AM 11-06-2011
Originally Posted by Psyko Tek :
my puter reset it sewlf last week end
(not a new machine) AND i LIVE IN AZ ANYWAY
jutst figured the guy I bought it from would have it set right
So does that mean the game comes on at 11 instead of 10 tomorrow here in AZ?
4th and Long 12:30 AM 11-06-2011
Deberg_1990 06:32 PM 03-09-2025
Not a fan. Another year, another pointless time change.
displacedinMN 06:41 PM 03-09-2025
Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 :
Not a fan. Another year, another pointless time change.
I took a nap, ate well, took a tylenol and drank water.
I am fine.
Will do the same thing when I
travel between time zones!
POND_OF_RED 06:42 PM 03-09-2025
I hear so many people bitch about Daylights Savings Time and it makes me so happy I don’t live my life on such a routine schedule that a simple one hour change twice a year throws my whole world into chaos. Most of the time I don’t even realize it happened until a few days later now that all my clocks automatically update. I personally love the feeling of Daylight Savings in the spring. Later sunsets just gives me the feeling that warmer longer days are here.
Jewish Rabbi 06:44 PM 03-09-2025
I’m pissed that there is one fewer hour to jack off today!!!
Pepe Silvia 06:47 PM 03-09-2025
Originally Posted by Jewish Rabbi :
I’m pissed that there is one fewer hour to jack off today!!!
I know, barely enough time to punch myself in the face afterwards.
Bearcat 07:09 PM 03-09-2025