In this race of planet history, Lurkers, those with less than 100 posts per year of membership are challenged!
Myself, and other tenured members I shall designate will pose comments, statements or questions of Chiefs Planet History. Your job~your Challenge! is to explain the story behind the comment, link it to its originating poster....explain why its relevant or funny. Bonus points awarded for context.
How well do the lurkers know us? How versed are the lurkers in our history?
At the end of this thread, I will donate $20 to Chiefsplanet in the name of the determined winner. The contest will end when I determine the thread/contest has run its course.
Points will be awarded by myself to the first lurker with correct explanation of each event. Bonus points will be given to those with less than 10 total posts.
Tenured posters are allowed to participate in the thread, however until a lurker answers a not give the answer, or anything more than subtle hints on questions that may pose difficulty. Once revealed of the true answer.....feel free to give your take or comment on that moment. [Reply]
American Hero was not a Steeler fan. Steel Men are coming, is available in the hall of classics, but that troll, who was a steeler fan....American Hero was not.
No point.
bRainman has a notorius automobile. What is it and what color? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Perhaps that question is too difficult to begin. We'll tag it as a bonus question, still in play....and move on.
This went down waaay before I started lurking, but the guy was Slayer Diablo (I believe he changed his name a couple of times.) Apparently a know it all guy who got quotes wrong quite a bit - something about his sig and superfly or die.
Chocolate refers to the fact he gave chocolate to chicks for them to hang out after his church band played. I'm guessing the hog part came because it was big chicks. In the 007 photoshop, he's chilling with some hogs... [Reply]
Wiggums has done some diggin with the search function.
+2 for Chief Wiggum.
The Chocolate Hogs.
Slayer Diablo(who still lurks here but hasn't participated in years) was a 14 year old Tag student, and younger brother of one of our posters. His username came from a level of some game that I can't recall. He thought the Marine Saying in Full Metal Jacket was "Super Fly Do or Die" instead of "Sempre FI! Do or DIE! GUNG HO GUNG HO".
The Chocolate hogs were indeed other school age girls that this 14 year old PimpAmerican gave chocolate candy bars to in effort to stink up his finger.
A cool question would ask lurkers to name the most romantic pairings of chiefsplanet members, both prior to chiefsplanet and meetings on chiefsplanet. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Rain Man:
A cool question would ask lurkers to name the most romantic pairings of chiefsplanet members, both prior to chiefsplanet and meetings on chiefsplanet.
I was working up to that line of questioning.
What was the first, public love quarrel and breakup that took place before the peeping eyes of Chiefsplanet.
Name both usernames as well as your recollection of the duel. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Shootr:
Can I have a bonus point for mentioning another Bob Dole encounter in a restroom?
Let it rip, and Judges will consider your contribution.
While I can't award points...I'd like to know what their "favorite thread/story/quote" witness here has been. Set it up, explain it, and link it if you choose. [Reply]