I have these random I guess you can call “episodes” where i have this almost out of body experience where i start saying to myself, you’re just you, you’re literally just you, and start thinking about how minuscule i am and then it eventually leads to how i am so fearful of dying one day. I understand I wasn’t around for the Korean War, or world war 2, or the Roman Empire, and that makes sense, since I simply wasnt existing, but now that I exist, the thought of me not existing, and quite frankly never being able to exist again terrifies me. I went to a religious school for a few years and went to church etc, but science tells me that my body make up is unique, and just being born is winning the lottery in its own right. As nice as it is to think my body protrudes this soul is going to rise up and say what up Jesus am I in? or my very unique dna that can profile me as a murderer is going to somehow leak out of my dead composing body, and makes its way into some other woman’s vagina to again try to fight off another 1 million other contestants (assuming dad didn’t jerk off that day) just really gets to me that I have this one chance and this limited, aka very limited time to live a good life. I have a good life mind you. Great wife, supportive family, 2 kids now, great house, but this whole death thing just makes me say sometimes like, wtf man, I want to experience this love and life forever, why does it gotta be so short. Just would like to hear your guys’ thoughts on the manner. Thanks. [Reply]
Thoroughly convinced that if I don't evolve in this lifetime, Ill have to do it again. So I'm active and engaged. Not for any morality. Just pragmatically. 😋 [Reply]
Originally Posted by Chargem:
I am pretty certain you will live longer if you can learn to use paragraphs to break up messages.
Yeah, I quit reading it about 10% in before it killed me.
Per the thread topic, just in the last few years I am no longer worrying or dreading it. Just hope it is not painful or too hard on my loved ones. Looking forward to seeing the grandkids and greats grow up though. [Reply]
Think about how you felt before you where born. That is how it will be when you die. Your consciousness will be gone. 'You' will no longer exist. Its hard to comprehend just nothing, but that is what it was before you where born also.
As I get older, I think about it a lot more than I used to. I understand the fragility of life, and the absolute gift that it is - especially when you have a family to share it with.
I’m not scared to actually die and to leave this Earth (my faith helps with that), but I do have a bit of anxiety relative to what that process may entail. Being taken quickly would be my preference :-) [Reply]
The only thing I know is that I don't want to see it coming. I want to die peacefully in my sleep or suddenly without knowing it is about to happen. [Reply]
I really dont give it much thought. Interesting subject, I guess, but from a day to day perspective I just keep on doing the best I can. I imagine things will work their way out [Reply]
There are three topics you can research which can ease your concern as they have done for me - Near Death Experiences (NDE), Reincarnation and Psychics. Be very critical as there is much fraud and misinformation but there are also serious scientific studies with solid facts and analysis which convincing make a case there is more than just life on this earth. NDEs are common throughout the world in all societies and often result in life changing experiences of an afterlife. There are rigorous scientific studies on reincarnation with facts which will blow your mind. Psychics can greatly vary in quality with the vast majority fraudulent however there are some with a true gift regarding the future. I have met two who have made a number of future detailed predictions which have proven true and convinced me there are paranormal forces in this world. [Reply]
There was a great movie in 1991, a light comedy about what happens when you die called "Defending Your Life". The afterlife is basically this: you have to defend your last existence...if you lived a quality life, loved, gave to others, worked hard etc, you get to move on to a higher, more enlightened plane of existence with others that are now using more of their brain. Those who did not live a good life, were selfish, greedy, violent, or lived in fear were sent back to earth for another try...after so many tries and so many wasted lives, God ends that line for good...this person has simpy been irredeemable for too many existences. I like to think this is the way it is in reality...if you've been a good person, your essence moves to a higher plane of existence, and you are able to tap into more of your brain's potential and then understand understand more of life's wonders, and live with peaceful, enlightened people. The reward. [Reply]