All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.
For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.
Great Shows – Must See
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
Burn Notice
House of Cards
True Detective
Breaking Bad
The Assets
The Wire
Sherlock (BBC)
The Americans
The Walking Dead
Netflix: Daredevil
Jack Taylor
Good shows
The Leftovers
The Last Kingdom
The Good Wife
Hell on Wheels
Big Bang Theory
Falling Skies
White Collar
Agents of SHIELD
Orange is the New Black
Orphan Black
The Knick
Goliath (Amazon)
Iron Fist
Show Me a Hero
Hell on Wheels
Robin Hood (BBC)
How I met your Mother
That 70's Show
Top Gear
Hung (HBO)
Crap Camelot
Top Shot
Legends of Tomorrow
Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching
Boardwalk Empire
Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)
The Sopranos
Fargo (missed getting it on the DVR :-) )
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
The Comeback
6 Feet Under
John Adams
Battlestar Glactica
Friday Night Lights
I work a fuckton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.
So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?
I just came to suggest Resident Alien after seeing season 3 is on Netflix now. It’s a great watch and lots of laughs. So anyone that hasn’t watched it can catch up on the entire series now. I had watched season 3 on SyFy last year when it was new but season 4 will be on USA network. It’s supposed to come out some time towards the end of this year.
I laugh way too hard when Harry is doing the medical procedure and talking his way through it after watching a YouTube video explaining it and when he’s done he says to everyone “make sure to like and subscribe.” [Reply]
Just finished Night Agent. It was good and had enough little twists to not be completely unsurprising with what happens to characters. It has some eye roll moments every now and then but nothing too crazy.
Did I miss them saying who the mole was in the Night Action group or how it happened that the bad guys were able to get into their communications? [Reply]
I’m glad to hear that it sounds like the new season of White Lotus is off to a good start. I’m waiting for it to finish to get HBO back so I can watch that and season 2 of Bookie. [Reply]
Originally Posted by ThrobProng:
Paradise has been very good so far. Last week's episode was excellent.
I loved Paradise. I was really surprised to see that it was from the creators of This is Us, because it wasn't anything like that gay shit lol. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Holladay:
I stumbled across the series "The Blacklist". Jees, 10 seasoms:-) with +20 episodes. I could binge for a year.
BTW, just started into Peaky Blinders, which will take a bit.
The Mrs. has watched "The Blacklist" since it's inception on a weekly basis. I quit after about three. Of course she has been watching "General Hospital" for around 60 years.
Peaky Blinders is one of my all time favorites, enjoy! I am actually considering watching it again. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Holladay:
I stumbled across the series "The Blacklist". Jees, 10 seasoms:-) with +20 episodes. I could binge for a year.
BTW, just started into Peaky Blinders, which will take a bit.
Wife and I are doing it. We are somewhere in season 5.
It is over the top and not very serious. But it’s shut your mind off schlock and that’s kind of what we’re after. It’s pretty entertaining, mostly because James Spader is amazing. And they let him cook. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Wife and I are doing it. We are somewhere in season 5.
It is over the top and not very serious. But it’s shut your mind off schlock and that’s kind of what we’re after. It’s pretty entertaining, mostly because James Spader is amazing. And they let him cook.
Did you see Netflix cancelled The Recruit? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
**** that man. As ridiculous as it was I was damned entertained.
Yeah, people are pretty pissed, especially because they ran it pretty much right with Night Agent. I don't see an issue with that though, because you'd think The Recruit would have benefited from that. [Reply]