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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Simply Red 08:28 PM 08-08-2018
I liked The Neighbor pretty well. Definitely held my interest.
luv 08:46 AM 08-10-2018
I haven't posted a video in a while. Let's see if this works....

If not, here's a youtube link.
mikeyis4dcats. 09:31 AM 08-10-2018
Atom Tickets is giving out free tickets to the Spy Who Dumped me this weekend through the app. Code ATOMSPY.
Why Not? 08:03 PM 08-12-2018
Originally Posted by luv:
I haven't posted a video in a while. Let's see if this works....

If not, here's a youtube link.
Looks bad ass!
luv 10:42 AM 08-13-2018
Originally Posted by Why Not?:
Looks bad ass!
We went to see The Meg over the weekend, and this was one of the previews. My boyfriend is a HUGE Predator and Alien fan. He hates it when franchises start making movies just to appeal to the masses and steer way off of the original story line. He said it looks good, but he's worried that he might not enjoy it as much if that's what they've done.
JD10367 08:16 PM 08-14-2018
Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats.:
Atom Tickets is giving out free tickets to the Spy Who Dumped me this weekend through the app. Code ATOMSPY.
Just saw this today. It was more enjoyable than it had a right to be, considering it was a strange mix of "girlfriend adventure movie for chicks" and "good quality 'Kingsman'-like violence". Kate McKinnon is pretty annoying but looking at Mila Kunis is never a hard thing to do. The ending sort of petered out but overall better than expected.
luv 09:51 AM 08-15-2018

Joaquin Phoenix as the new Joker? I guess he can't be any worse than Jared Leto.
sully1983 10:14 AM 08-15-2018
looking forward to Mile 22this weekend . The collaborations between Marky Mark & Peter Berg have all been entertaining imo (Lone Survivor and esp Patriot's Day). This one looks like an ultra violent awesome action film.
joombo 07:51 AM 08-17-2018
Starred Up - 8/10

Brutal, gripping British prison drama about a youth offender (19) moved (starred up) to an adult prison.

Not for the faint hearted!
Simply Red 10:10 PM 08-17-2018
watching American Animals.
Bowser 10:34 AM 08-19-2018
It's a lazy Sunday and storms are about to roll in. Should I go see Mile 22 or the latest Mission Impossible?
Bowser 10:34 AM 08-19-2018
Originally Posted by Simply Red:
watching American Animals.
How'd you like it?
Bowser 10:41 AM 08-19-2018
Originally Posted by Bowser:
It's a lazy Sunday and storms are about to roll in. Should I go see Mile 22 or the latest Mission Impossible?
Just saw that Mile 22 is at 20% at RT. I don't usually let reviews dictate, but woof.

Guess I'll go see Tom Cruise break his leg jumping from building to building (97% on RT, fwiw).
sully1983 07:58 PM 08-19-2018
Originally Posted by Bowser:
Just saw that Mile 22 is at 20% at RT. I don't usually let reviews dictate, but woof.

Guess I'll go see Tom Cruise break his leg jumping from building to building (97% on RT, fwiw).
lol yeah definitely see the new MI film. its a fun ride with some insane action sequences . Cruise is one crazy mofo
Baby Lee 08:41 PM 09-12-2018

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