All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.
For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.
Great Shows – Must See
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
Burn Notice
House of Cards
True Detective
Breaking Bad
The Assets
The Wire
Sherlock (BBC)
The Americans
The Walking Dead
Netflix: Daredevil
Jack Taylor
Good shows
The Leftovers
The Last Kingdom
The Good Wife
Hell on Wheels
Big Bang Theory
Falling Skies
White Collar
Agents of SHIELD
Orange is the New Black
Orphan Black
The Knick
Goliath (Amazon)
Iron Fist
Show Me a Hero
Hell on Wheels
Robin Hood (BBC)
How I met your Mother
That 70's Show
Top Gear
Hung (HBO)
Crap Camelot
Top Shot
Legends of Tomorrow
Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching
Boardwalk Empire
Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)
The Sopranos
Fargo (missed getting it on the DVR :-) )
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
The Comeback
6 Feet Under
John Adams
Battlestar Glactica
Friday Night Lights
I work a fuckton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.
So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
How is that show even remotely woke? Because it has lesbians in it?
You not getting it explains a lot and the goal is being accomplished.
You are comfortable and used to the woman being the tough ones and in charge of everything. Kicking men's asses etc is normal to you? Not just one woman doing it but three?
These tough girls directly report to another woman, Nicole Kidman and her boss reports to another woman and Morgan Freeman is the final decision maker.
Yeah, two of the tiny titty girls learn their desire for each other.
Did you not get the TRANS person Bobby? They even discuss the transition slightly and it is kind of the highlight for a few minutes of one episode.
The only thing really missing was a black female Judge.
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
The last episode is the most ridiculous shit I've ever watched. Dozens of people with full automatic weapons shooting at 3 people swimming from at most 50 yards away for a minute or 2 and no one gets hit. GTFO lol.
That is exactly how I felt in the episode Lioness at the end when they went into Iraq and were descended upon by so many troops on foot, including tanks. A lot of shows lately with automatic weapons miraculously missing.
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
Have you finished the season yet?
Wrapped up this weekend.
That ending was....abrupt.
Of course Noor and Rose would be buddies -- they're the two most annoying humans alive. And of course Noor would be unhappy in asylum -- she's just an unhappy busy body and overall pain in the ass.
I'm rooting for the villains next season.
Go get some shit done, Jacob Monroe. Dude showed more concern over Solomon than any of the suits showed over their agents. Now that Javad has been...well who knows, but nothing great....I'm gonna need a new misunderstood anti-hero to root for next season.
You're my boy, Jacob!!!! You go get that isolationist foreign policy enacted, my guy! [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Wrapped up this weekend.
That ending was....abrupt.
Of course Noor and Rose would be buddies -- they're the two most annoying humans alive. And of course Noor would be unhappy in asylum -- she's just an unhappy busy body and overall pain in the ass.
I'm rooting for the villains next season.
Go get some shit done, Jacob Monroe. Dude showed more concern over Solomon than any of the suits showed over their agents. Now that Javad has been...well who knows, but nothing great....I'm gonna need a new misunderstood anti-hero to root for next season.
You're my boy, Jacob!!!! You go get that isolationist foreign policy enacted, my guy!
I actually really liked Jacob and I hated that what happened with Solomon. Other than being a stone cold killer he seemed to be a decent guy. I really liked the scene where Solomon asks for a raise lol. Most people abso****inglutely hate going and asking for a raise, so it was funny that Solomon (a bad mofo) was nervous and hated asking for more money.
That scene is what made me like Jacob. He could have been like **** off or even kill him, but you could tell he actually cared about Solomon.
I hate Noor and Rose. I'm really hoping she's not in the next season. There is really no reason to bring her back and she shouldn't have been in season 2. [Reply]
I love how you guys hate Noor for not wanting to live under a theocracy. There's nothing about her to "hate". The good news is she won't be back, I think they wrapped up that story arc to the point it doesn't need more.
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
I love how you guys hate Noor for not wanting to live under a theocracy. There's nothing about her to "hate". The good news is she won't be back, I think they wrapped up that story arc to the point it doesn't need more.
Rose will be back. You know she will.
I dislike Noor because she does all this crap without even consulting her family then blames everyone else when it all (Predictably) goes to shit. And that she blackmailed the US and put thousands of lives at risk because she didn't want her brother to do what he'd known he was going to have to do his entire life and seemingly had no compunction doing. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
I dislike Noor because she does all this crap without even consulting her family then blames everyone else when it all (Predictably) goes to shit. And that she blackmailed the US and put thousands of lives at risk because she didn't want her brother to do what he'd known he was going to have to do his entire life and seemingly had no compunction doing.
Hey I get it. It's a classic paradox. That's the whole point. Entertainment would be bland if all characters were one-sided.
People are flawed. Nobody is all good or all bad. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
I dislike Noor because she does all this crap without even consulting her family then blames everyone else when it all (Predictably) goes to shit. And that she blackmailed the US and put thousands of lives at risk because she didn't want her brother to do what he'd known he was going to have to do his entire life and seemingly had no compunction doing.
I was far more OK with that than Sutherland being galactically stupid. She is in a desperate situation, and did desperate things.
Sutherland was also in high leverage situations, but that fucker is trained. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
I was far more OK with that than Sutherland being galactically stupid. She is in a desperate situation, and did desperate things.
Sutherland was also in high leverage situations, but that fucker is trained.
Oh Sutherland is laughably retarded.
He's a special needs secret agent. The whole show makes more sense if you think he got the job as a Make-A-Wish stunt.
And Catherine has permanent resting bitch face. And shockingly poor judgment pretty much 10 times out of 10. She seems to have a problem with Sutherland because he can't be trusted rather than the fact that he's weapons-grade stupid.
Like I said - just root for the antagonists. They're all infinitely better at their jobs than the protagonists are at theirs. And then when they inevitably lose, think of it as Walter White at the end of breaking bad. It was the friends we made along the way that matter...
Like I said, I'm rooting for the bad guys. [Reply]
Watched new short series on Netlfix called "Zero Day" and enjoyed it. Has a pretty good cast and well done.
Robert De Niro · George Mullen ; Jesse Plemons · Roger Carlson ; Lizzy Caplan · Alexandra Mullen ; Connie Britton · Valerie Whitesell ; Joan Allen · Sheila Mullen.
Originally Posted by HemiEd:
Watched new short series on Netlfix called "Zero Day" and enjoyed it. Has a pretty good cast and well done.
Robert De Niro · George Mullen ; Jesse Plemons · Roger Carlson ; Lizzy Caplan · Alexandra Mullen ; Connie Britton · Valerie Whitesell ; Joan Allen · Sheila Mullen.
I had my limited hotspot data last night and couldn’t make myself watch that after all of Bob’s recent antics. Instead, I watched Resident Alien season 4, which is hilarious. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Bob Dole:
I had my limited hotspot data last night and could make myself watch that after all of Bob’s recent antics. Instead, I watched Resident Alien season 4, which is hilarious.
Yeah, my wife won't watch it either due to his politics and bullshit, but I put that aside. Connie Britton is showing her age.
I really enjoyed it and also Resident Alien a while back. :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Bob Dole:
I had my limited hotspot data last night and couldn’t make myself watch that after all of Bob’s recent antics. Instead, I watched Resident Alien season 4, which is hilarious.
What service is season 4 on? I haven't seen it yet. [Reply]