The big anti-hijack thread.....
Talk about anything, but if this works than we don't have to keep looking around all the threads to see who is still on tonight, and every night, or even every day! Talk about the chiefs, talk about tomorrow, talk about football, politics or even how to do flooring and the applicable budget. What you're drinking, how hard it is to sleep, etc. Every thing is acceptable in this thread.....
Buck what's going on? I think you're letting this girl pull you away from this planet.
Not good.
How's everybody's day been?
Today I went to work. Then I played horseshoes and basketball. Then I started watching the town outside but the battery went dead on the pdvd player and I haven't started it back up yet. Then I fucked my wife in the shower.
Now, I'm about to go play store and possibly a tea party afterwards! Yay!
And I haven't eaten because I'm broke as fuck, and I don't get paid till friday at 12am. And somehow I don't qualify for foodstamps because I work, but people who don't work and sit on their asses doing nothing get foodstamps. wtf
Originally Posted by KurtCobain:
Did you meet a sexy girl and became to busy ****ing her and smoking pot with her to post with your rival team buddies?