when I was on a detachment to Elmendorf AFB with my F/A-18 squadron, they had a big cage of Bald Eagles who had been rescued; or were injured etc. Taking care of them until they're better.
Holy shit man...those birds are huge, and bad ass looking. I swear, their legs were as big around as my wrist.
Originally Posted by Dayze:
when I was on a detachment to Elmendorf AFB with my F/A-18 squadron, they had a big cage of Bald Eagles who had been rescued; or were injured etc. Taking care of them until they're better.
Holy shit man...those birds are huge, and bad ass looking. I swear, their legs were as big around as my wrist.
We had a red tailed hawk hanging out at the very peak of the roof of my house last week. Never seen that before. They're pretty big, with a 4+ foot wingspan, though nothing compared to a bald eagle which can have a 6 foot wingspan.