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Media Center>All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
Gonzo 10:39 AM 08-31-2015
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.
tredadda 08:19 PM 12-29-2022
Originally Posted by Stryker:
It is the God of War Ragnarök bundle. The console disc edition I got was like $549 but with tax came out to approx $615. I am VERY cool with that! :-)
Yeah, that’s not bad at all.
DanBecky 09:02 AM 12-31-2022
Escape From Tarkov just wiped. Gonna be my main for awhile, like it is every 6 months.
lcarus 09:55 AM 12-31-2022
I wish they would make a new Fight Night game. Or make the older ones available on current gen.
Demonpenz 04:26 PM 12-31-2022
fight nite champions is on gamepass
Imon Yourside 04:31 PM 12-31-2022
Originally Posted by lcarus:
I wish they would make a new Fight Night game. Or make the older ones available on current gen.
They are available, check out

Computer needs to git gud tho
Stryker 12:31 AM 01-01-2023
Originally Posted by Stryker:
It is the God of War Ragnarök bundle. The console disc edition I got was like $549 but with tax came out to approx $615. I am VERY cool with that! :-)
Bought the 1TB WD internal HD and the black covers as well. Will get the black controller and the PS5 midnight black headset also.
Oh Snap 01-01-2023, 12:57 PM
This message has been deleted by Oh Snap.
lcarus 05:18 PM 01-01-2023
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:
They are available, check out

Computer needs to git gud tho
Yeah my PC is good enough to handle PS2 emulator but that's about it. I do have a 360 still but I wish they'd just make a new one already.
cabletech94 06:10 PM 01-01-2023
Originally Posted by Stryker:
It is the God of War Ragnarök bundle. The console disc edition I got was like $549 but with tax came out to approx $615. I am VERY cool with that! :-)
i got this for xmas. what a fun game!! im soooo far behind in gaming. gonna try to devote a few hours a day to get back into the habit!!

thanks for all the info!
Bump 04:16 AM 01-02-2023
Originally Posted by Stryker:
Just bought a PS5 from Amazon - you have to enroll to be invited to purchase. I did and received the invite! Must purchase within 72 hours. Got the disc version for $615 out the door. Stoked to receive it this Thursday! Will transfer my PS4 Pro info and then flip that on eBay to hopefully recoup some of the cost. :-):-)
nice, I'm pretty happy with mine. It actually feels like a next gen machine, performance in games is really good for the games that had bad performance on PS4.
Imon Yourside 01:16 AM 01-13-2023
Ubisoft Cancels Three Unannounced Games, Delays Skull and Bones for the Sixth Time
htismaqe 12:08 PM 01-17-2023
Originally Posted by lcarus:
I wish they would make a new Fight Night game. Or make the older ones available on current gen.
Keep your eye out. There's a new boxing game coming out soon that looks promising. I believe it's in alpha now. They've changed the name 2 or 3 times so I'm not sure what the name is now but I will look it up if you want.
The Franchise 02:51 PM 01-17-2023
Originally Posted by Stryker:
It is the God of War Ragnarök bundle. The console disc edition I got was like $549 but with tax came out to approx $615. I am VERY cool with that! :-)
I got the same one but at Target. Happened to see they had one left, so I picked it up.
ToxSocks 04:33 PM 01-18-2023
Started playing a little bit of "Death Stranding" since it's on PS+.

....I can't decide if i wanna dedicate the time to this or not. So far most of the gameplay is just.....walking up a mountain. I mean, the 1st mission is morbid AF. The game is both odd and gorgeous to look at.

Being a post-apocalyptic mail man? Meh.

BUT, when the 1st mission is carrying the corpse of your dead mother up a mountain so you can burn her before she becomes (i dont even know what), while using a monster-detecting baby in an incubator as your most valuable tool is.....interestingly morbid.
Imon Yourside 12:38 PM 01-20-2023

Returnal to PC on Febraury 15th! Excited I am :-)

New Boxing game coming January 31st, someone was interested

Diablo game where you customize your own superhero? Spell ya!
BigBeauford 07:59 PM 01-20-2023
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:

Returnal to PC on Febraury 15th! Excited I am :-)

New Boxing game coming January 31st, someone was interested

Diablo game where you customize your own superhero? Spell ya!
Man do you have good taste in games.
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