Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn:
This will be knowmo's excuse this year. Broncos will suck, but he'll still say they have a better team that was being held back by Joseph.
I mean if you take away the murder, cheating, collusion, sex tape, cheating, murder, collusion, sex tape and cheating. Von is probably not a bad guy. But seems like a lot to forgive for a guy who wears a wig...
Edit: almost forgot the cheating, failed drug tests, attempting to payoff drug tester, and cheating. [Reply]
Originally Posted by :
So now the question: Is Bradley Chubb the next DeMarcus Ware?
“You know what? ” said Ware. “He can be. He’s one of those guys who’s mature. He listens. And that’s what you want from a young guy. Because some of them come in very arrogant, saying, ‘OK, I’m in the league now.’ But to me, he has that ‘I just arrived mentality. Now what do I need to do to deliver?’ ”