I hadn't gotten to Worthys Attorny's statement. I guess I need to read through all the pages before reacting. An ex-fiance is a whole different ballgame. [Reply]
Lawyers claim it’s a baseless allegation. We’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but it feels like the opposite when a person gets arrested. If he’s innocent, the lawyers have an uphill battle to prove it. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
Doesn't really matter as far as NFL Discipline goes. He's still facing a hefty suspension. Also may be video if she purposely goaded him, which fair or not may ruin his entire career.
Is it still possible he didn’t even tough her and that she just accused him of doing so? [Reply]
doesnt sound like anything is going to come of this. lawyers are already spinning it as he said she said and they don't do that unless they are confident there's no video. think this winds up as a mild suspension from the nfl and that about wraps it up. [Reply]