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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Anyong Bluth 02:40 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by Bowser:
Got caught up on a couple of Sci-Fi's I've been meaning to watch...

Riddick - I enjoyed it. They blended the first two movies into this one quite nicely. Might have had the feel of a re-run cliché to those who didn't like it, but not me. I'd watch it again for just a glimpse of Katee Sackhoff's boobies again. She has a fantastic body if you didn't know. Damn. Anyway, I look forward to the next movie in the series.

Oblivion - I was caught off guard with how much I liked this movie. The visuals were fantastic, and these days I'm a sucker for a storyline or plot that is even remotely original. Definitely worth your time if you haven't seen it.

Originally Posted by ragedogg69:
I would have loved it even more if I had not seen the trailers for it. Those things give away quite a bit.
2nd Oblivion is being made, apparently a prequel.

Count me in the happily surprised with how good it was crowd.

Cruise has actually been doing some good projects post going batshit crazy - MI Ghost Protocol, Jack Reacher, etc
NewChief 02:43 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth:
Haven't seen them yet, gonna start with Grandmaster first. It's all about his life and story and eventually training Bruce Lee and a bunch of other badasses. Hasn't been out long, but looks good from the trailers.
This whole Ip Man movie series is weird. There's Ip Man 1 and Ip Man 2 directed by Wilson Yip. There was initially supposed to be a third one to detail his relationship with Bruce Lee, but some of the players have said they don't want to make a 3rd, though Yip does.

Then there is Grandmaster, Ip Man: the Final Fight and Ip Man: Birth of the Legend, all of which are biopics by two different directors. Really weird, because all of these came out within a few years of each other (from like 2008-2013).

On top of all of that, there is overlap in the actors between the franchises, but they play different characters in the different franchises.

Anyway I think I'll probably watch Birth of the Legend, because I'm curious about his life prior to when we meet him in Ip Man 1.

Edit: I could be totally wrong about the summary above, but I got curious and that's what about 10 minutes of researching on the internet yielded.
-King- 03:03 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by Bowser:
Got caught up on a couple of Sci-Fi's I've been meaning to watch...

Riddick - I enjoyed it. They blended the first two movies into this one quite nicely. Might have had the feel of a re-run cliché to those who didn't like it, but not me. I'd watch it again for just a glimpse of Katee Sackhoff's boobies again. She has a fantastic body if you didn't know. Damn. Anyway, I look forward to the next movie in the series.

Oblivion - I was caught off guard with how much I liked this movie. The visuals were fantastic, and these days I'm a sucker for a storyline or plot that is even remotely original. Definitely worth your time if you haven't seen it.
Yep, rewatched Oblivion this morning. One of the best scifi movies of the last few years.
NewChief 03:26 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Yep, rewatched Oblivion this morning. One of the best scifi movies of the last few years.
I like it as well, and I didn't understand why it got so much hate in the other movies thread.
TrickyNicky 04:12 PM 02-04-2014
Forget Ip Man, Wong Fei Hung is where it's at.
nstygma 05:59 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
I like it as well, and I didn't understand why it got so much hate in the other movies thread.
I like it a lot as well. Yet, I don't really trust my judgment on this one, since I have somewhat of an infatuation with Olga Kurylenko. I liked Hitman as well, and I hear it was horrible.
KcMizzou 06:32 PM 02-04-2014
Agreed on Oblivion. I liked it a lot.

Had really low expectations going in, and that probably helped. But it was a pretty interesting story.
KcMizzou 06:47 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
I like it as well, and I didn't understand why it got so much hate in the other movies thread.

He's the reason I haven't seen Jack Reacher on Netflix yet.

(and I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense)
ThaVirus 07:20 PM 02-04-2014
Jack Reacher was entertaining as hell.

Oblivion sucked. Looked great and had me intrigued but the reveal was weak.
-King- 07:28 PM 02-04-2014
Finally watched The Prestige. I liked it but to me, the "twist" at the end felt really cheap and I can't get over the fact that there was pretty much real magic used
chiefzilla1501 08:22 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Finally watched The Prestige. I liked it but to me, the "twist" at the end felt really cheap and I can't get over the fact that there was pretty much real magic used
I think you might find The Illusionist interesting too, then.
Buehler445 11:11 PM 02-04-2014
Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501:
I think you might find The Illusionist interesting too, then.
I liked both.
ThaVirus 12:54 AM 02-05-2014
If you're into animated superhero flicks, Justice League: War was damn good. I won't say it's quite on the level of Crisis On Two Earths or Doom but it was, at the very least, pretty close.

It was a decent Justice League origin story and the animation was on point. My only complaint is that they made Green Lantern seem like a pussy and I'd rather have seen Aquaman instead of Cyborg (although I understand why Cyborg made more sense given the plot). Also, Wonder Woman put in a disgusting amount of work.
Ceej 07:30 AM 02-05-2014
Netflix type of day. Recommendations?
chiefzilla1501 11:51 AM 02-05-2014
Originally Posted by Ceej:
Netflix type of day. Recommendations?
What are you looking for? Some good movies and some outstanding documentaries.
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