Last thread has well over 10,000 replies. Its body is breaking down like The Undertaker's. Seeing as we might have crossed the threshold into a new era in the business, here's a fresh new thread.
Originally Posted by Jerm:
Company is beyond ****ing clueless....
They're not clueless. They just don't care. They tried to name a battle royale aimed at celebrating equality for women in the profession after a scumbag who set her peers back decades and was known for stealing money from and whoring out her girls. They named their annual philanthropist award given to kids dying of terminal diseases after a guy who wished another wrestler would hurry up and die from his cancer. They had Finn Balor enter last night with members of the LGBT community in a message of acceptance and now they're headed over to a country that sentences gay and lesbian people to either a lifetime of torture or death. [Reply]
So Lesnar is signed for 1 more match. Vince called an audible during the match because of the crowd reception and will have Brock drop the title to Roman in Saudi Arabia in the hopes he'll get the crowd reaction he wants, and to give the show a big moment. :-) So fucking pathetic. [Reply]
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
Vince is so unbelievably tone deaf.
Not to mention having this show in the middle of a women's wrestling boom in a country where none of the women can compete.
Nevermind their absolutely atrocious records on human rights. Also have 10 years of this shit. Get ready for Wrestlemania to be used to build up the Saudi Arabia show so Vince can get some of that sweet, sweet blood money. [Reply]