The big anti-hijack thread.....
Talk about anything, but if this works than we don't have to keep looking around all the threads to see who is still on tonight, and every night, or even every day! Talk about the chiefs, talk about tomorrow, talk about football, politics or even how to do flooring and the applicable budget. What you're drinking, how hard it is to sleep, etc. Every thing is acceptable in this thread.....
Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey:
reminds me of a joke;
something about god inventing the heavens and earth, all the animals and man, saw that it was good but decided he would give man (adam) a companion. A perfect mate that would do everything man could ever dream of, it would only cost an arm and a leg. BUT man had to go and ask what he could get for a rib....
Dammit, Clay! You said you'd keep this quiet.
Asshole. Posted via Mobile Device
Insomnia sucks ass. I keep dozing off then I get slammed back go sleep by a leg jerk.
I did some research:
It's called a Myclonic muscle jerk. Basically, your brain thinks your heart is beating too slow and BAM! It makes your legs or arms jerk you awake.
If you must know, someone on found a discarded computer, recovered data on the hard drive and found all these hilarious pics of this dude posing and being a general flamer. Funny shit.
If you must know, someone on found a discarded computer, recovered data on the hard drive and found all these hilarious pics of this dude posing and being a general flamer. Funny shit.
And you just haaaaaaaad to share them with the rest of us..