TrebMaxx 07:21 PM 12-04-2024
dlphg9 02:46 PM 02-08-2025
We need to play d down low for fucks sake.
dlphg9 02:55 PM 02-08-2025
Why do we keep giving Gray the ball at the top of the fucking key?
dlphg9 02:56 PM 02-08-2025
Boxer_Chief 03:00 PM 02-08-2025
Crews used to make me mad when he came in and the last handful of games he’s been damn good
dlphg9 03:01 PM 02-08-2025
We're over half way through the first half and Missouri hasn't shot one free throw. They're #3 in FT/game.
Boxer_Chief 03:02 PM 02-08-2025
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
We're over half way through the first half and Missouri hasn't shot one free throw. They're #3 in FT/game.
Refs suck. We can’t breathe on them and its a foul
dlphg9 03:04 PM 02-08-2025
8 free throws for A&M and 0 for Mizzou.
dlphg9 03:05 PM 02-08-2025
God damn, come on with the shot clock violation.
dlphg9 03:05 PM 02-08-2025
We have to stop letting them get offensive rebounds for the love of fuck.
Dartgod 03:08 PM 02-08-2025
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
We have to stop letting them get offensive rebounds for the love of ****.
Defensive boards as well.
dlphg9 03:08 PM 02-08-2025
What the fuck is Trent Pierce doing? Jesus Christ.
Dartgod 03:12 PM 02-08-2025
Call a fucking foul on A&M, will ya? Fucking refs.
dlphg9 03:12 PM 02-08-2025
Fucking Gray is worthless this game. Jesus, he's in there for rebounds and protecting the rim and the fat shit can't even hold onto the ball.
dlphg9 03:12 PM 02-08-2025
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
Call a ****ing foul on A&M, will ya? ****ing refs.
It's ridiculous. I hate this crew.
dlphg9 03:23 PM 02-08-2025