The big anti-hijack thread.....
Talk about anything, but if this works than we don't have to keep looking around all the threads to see who is still on tonight, and every night, or even every day! Talk about the chiefs, talk about tomorrow, talk about football, politics or even how to do flooring and the applicable budget. What you're drinking, how hard it is to sleep, etc. Every thing is acceptable in this thread.....
Originally Posted by Sam Hall:
He's got that yellow avatar with the Afro guy. Honestly, K-State is the only team I can talk smack on for now. I just won't make a point to do it anymore.
Understood. As a Mizzou fan, I've been there. (More often than not)
This is a fantastic change for us tiggers. We're excited. I apologize if we're umm.. a little overly exuberant, at times.
Originally Posted by Adept Havelock:
Cool. I've learned something today. Unfortunately, my brain was full and I think i just forgot the difference between igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Damn limited memory capacities. I should get an upgrade.
I know the feeling. I took a winemaking course once and then forgot how to drive.