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Nzoner's Game Room>Pets of Chiefs Planet
pr_capone 01:04 AM 10-22-2006
I know there are some animal lovers here.

Lets see whatcha got.

From left to right:

Suzy (Chow Mix)- 1.5 yrs old
Mandi (Long Haired Miniature Dachshund) - 13 years old
Angie (Dapple Haired Miniature Dachshunds) - 4 years old

Angie is the one that rides the motorcycle with me.
GloryDayz 08:36 AM 09-23-2022
Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx:
I love my goats!
That's awesome. OUTSTANDING...
htismaqe 01:09 PM 10-26-2022
If anybody is so inclined, we entered our Parvo puppy into a Halloween costume contest and would appreciate votes.

Here's the voting link:

This is our dog:

DJ's left nut 01:51 PM 10-26-2022
My breeder finally had her fall litters. 5 black males out of the two litters (some females and a couple of chocolates in there as well) so we'll see if we're high enough on the list.

Not sure what my plan's gonna be if we aren't. Been waiting a fair bit at this point - I want my dog, dammit...
htismaqe 07:13 AM 10-27-2022
Shameless bump, one last time. If anybody is interested in helping us get over the top.

Originally Posted by htismaqe:
If anybody is so inclined, we entered our Parvo puppy into a Halloween costume contest and would appreciate votes.

Here's the voting link:

This is our dog:

KCUnited 07:44 AM 10-27-2022
Wade Davis ruptured an anal gland during halftime of the Buffalo/KC game so I listened to the 2nd half from the pet hospital parking lot.

Disrupting my game day, costing me a small fortune and giving zero fucks about it.

stumppy 08:10 AM 10-27-2022
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
If anybody is so inclined, we entered our Parvo puppy into a Halloween costume contest and would appreciate votes.

Here's the voting link:

This is our dog:

Just curious, where'd you get that ear from? And did you know there's a dog attached to it? Did you have to pay extra for the dog part? Or was it one of those 'Buy an ear get a free dog deals'?
htismaqe 08:13 AM 10-27-2022
Originally Posted by stumppy:
Just curious, where'd you get that ear from? And did you know there's a dog attached to it? Did you have to pay extra for the dog part? Or was it one of those 'Buy an ear get a free dog deals'?
He actually has TWO ears like that but one of them is under the hat. :-)

The little shit thinks he can fly too. I call him Weasel Boy because he's just fucking crazy.
stumppy 08:16 AM 10-27-2022
He probably could fly if he knew how to flap those ears.:-)
htismaqe 02:51 PM 10-27-2022
Thanks to those of you that already voted! We appreciate it!
DCTwister 08:18 PM 10-27-2022
Alright guys, this is my new little rescue dog. Ready for Halloween
Attached: BD53C282-2F5B-4E00-9960-D245B96BD011.jpg (102.2 KB) 
Mephistopheles Janx 09:34 PM 10-27-2022
The gang gets new toys!

GloryDayz 06:12 AM 10-28-2022
Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx:
The gang gets new toys!
That's awesome. I'm sure they were running around happy as can be.
seclark 07:43 AM 10-28-2022
Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx:
The gang gets new toys!
Janx has created goat heaven
Mephistopheles Janx 12:55 PM 10-30-2022
More of my Myotonic goats featuring my chickens and dogs

IA_Chiefs_fan 02:29 PM 10-30-2022
Heartbroken. Devasted. Lost. I just lost my best friend of ten years. When Karlee came into my life I didn't like any dogs and hated big dogs. I didn't want her. Didn't need that chaos in my life. Oh was I ever wrong.
She had the kindest, most gentle soul. We love all three of our dogs but Karlee was just different. Almost human.

Karlee was the dog that would protect a baby bunny or baby bird and alert us so we could get it to safety. She didn't mind chasing adult animals or birds but she knew babies needed her protection.

Yesterday afternoon she suffered a stroke, seizure, or back problem. We took her to the puppy ER. They advised us to take her home and watch her for a couple days.

Last night I had a feeling she wasn't going to make it and told my wife I thought we'd better say goodbye before bed. My wife and I talked to her for a long time. Thanked her for lots of things. We told her it was okay to go and we love her so much and that we know she loves us. We were bawling and heartbroken. We were sitting on the floor by her and when I started crying really hard she lifted her head and hugged me for like ten seconds. She also held my hand with her paw. With that hug she told me that it was okay and she loved me. That exhausted her and she had to lay her head back down. She also kept reaching for Christy's hand while we talked to her.

Karlee changed me. She made me a better person. It makes no logical sense to me that I hurt this bad right now but I do. I love Karlee. She was family. I don't know what I'll do when I come home from work and she's not there with her gigantic ears pinned back and a giant smile on her face. I'm broken.
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