Originally Posted by TwistedChief:
Very big difference between stuff being said in a closed echo chamber and something that makes its way out into the public realm that multiple people on the team feel the need to address.
While I generally agree with you that this whole thing is an embarrassment to Chiefs fans, I don't think CP can really take a lot of the credit/blame here. Sure, Clay posts here, and Marty did back in the day I believe, but this was their doing - not ours. We weren't even the main place the story spread - that was Twitter and reddit.
I guess we take the blame for giving Clay a place to finely hone his craft of attention-seeking behavior, but that's about the extent of it for me.
I personally find DC to be far more embarrassing. [Reply]
All that being said, I do think this thread has pretty well run its course. I'm not a fan of putting it in the HOF, so I'd lean toward just locking it or at least moving it to the RR. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DaFace:
All that being said, I do think this thread has pretty well run its course. I'm not a fan of putting it in the HOF, so I'd lean toward just locking it or at least moving it to the RR.
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
Def not HoF.
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
Just lock it and let it atrophy. Putting it in RR just allows it to keep going.
Originally Posted by DaFace:
All that being said, I do think this thread has pretty well run its course. I'm not a fan of putting it in the HOF, so I'd lean toward just locking it or at least moving it to the RR.
Before you do that I'd suggest changing the title to something that reflects a more accurate description of this thread.
Something like "How a few fools faceplanted on a story... [Reply]
I've never understand the necessity of locking a thread like this, or placing it in RR. Eventually, people will just normally stop talking about this on their own. Why do we feel the need to intervene? [Reply]
Originally Posted by ChiTown:
I've never understand the necessity of locking a thread like this, or placing it in RR. Eventually, people will just normally stop talking about this on their own. Why do we feel the need to intervene?
Originally Posted by ChiTown:
I've never understand the necessity of locking a thread like this, or placing it in RR. Eventually, people will just normally stop talking about this on their own. Why do we feel the need to intervene?
You really think people won't bump this every time EB looks at Patrick with a frowny face? [Reply]
Originally Posted by TwistedChief:
Very big difference between stuff being said in a closed echo chamber and something that makes its way out into the public realm that multiple people on the team feel the need to address.
Eh the FBI has never investigated a post in the lounge. Can't say the same about DC lmao [Reply]
Originally Posted by ChiTown:
I've never understand the necessity of locking a thread like this, or placing it in RR. Eventually, people will just normally stop talking about this on their own. Why do we feel the need to intervene?
A) It’s an embarrassment.
B) I think everyone knows this is one of those threads that will never completely go away as long as EB is still employed by the Chiefs. And even beyond that I can still see dumb ass “bumpers” bumping it from time to time. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Reerun_KC:
Because feelers were hurt.
This thread has nearly 80K views and 2400 replies. It's the off-season, so it's not like there's a plethora of other topics that are getting pushed out of view because of this one thread. Just let it die out naturally.....at least that's my opinion. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DaFace:
You really think people won't bump this every time EB looks at Patrick with a frowny face?
And? We do this with hundreds of other threads too. I just don't get why this is such a big deal. It's a message board. We shouldn't take it so seriously. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Raiderhader:
A) It’s an embarrassment.
B) I think everyone knows this is one of those threads that will never completely go away as long as EB is still employed by the Chiefs. And even beyond that I can still see dumb ass “bumpers” bumping it from time to time.
Every time the offense has a bad game next season(or hell, a bad half), this stupid thread will get bumped with people bitching about EB, Andy or the Chiefs brass.
This thread has run it's course.
I think the movie 'Die Hard' said it best . . . . . . .