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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
TimBone 11:28 PM 08-10-2016
Originally Posted by Nzoner:
If you like dark comedy make sure to put Arsenic and Old Lace on your to watch list.
That's a good one.
frankotank 08:40 AM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by beach tribe:
this has always just cracked me up.
like it says at the end.....WTF!!!??? :-)

EDIT - went searching to try to find the answer to WTF.

found this info about him apparently gleaned from Back To The Future: The Animated Series

in which can be found this
Verne's propensity for getting into trouble was the basis for many, if not most, of the episodes of the animated series. This is foreshadowed in Back to the Future Part III however, as Verne can be seen pointing to his crotch area as Doc is talking to Marty and Jennifer, as if to motion to Jennifer. While it is unclear if this was overlooked during filming, the character of Verne can now be seen as a trouble-maker even in film canon.

When Doc and Clara return in the time machine train, Doc in the foreground tells Marty and Jennifer to make their future a good one. In the background, for whatever reason, Verne points to his crotch. While some have attributed this as a sign towards Jennifer (:-) come to big papa), it has been hypothesized that the child actor was trying to signal to someone (possibly director Robert Zemeckis) that he needed to urinate.
luv 10:57 AM 08-11-2016
Warner Bros Firms ‘Ocean’s 8’ Lineup: Anne Hathaway, Rihanna, Awkwafina, Helena Bonham Carter, Mindy Kaling Join Sandra Bullock & Cate Blanchett

Anyone mentioned the all female "Ocean's 11" spinoff?

Not listed above that I read somewhere else was Elizabeth Banks.
unlurking 11:34 AM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by luv:
Warner Bros Firms ‘Ocean’s 8’ Lineup: Anne Hathaway, Rihanna, Awkwafina, Helena Bonham Carter, Mindy Kaling Join Sandra Bullock & Cate Blanchett

Anyone mentioned the all female "Ocean's 11" spinoff?

Not listed above that I read somewhere else was Elizabeth Banks.
Would actually be interested in seeing that myself. Much more so than Ghostbusters anyway.
luv 12:07 PM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by unlurking:
Would actually be interested in seeing that myself. Much more so than Ghostbusters anyway.
I'm all for female casts and leading female roles, but I wish they would stop remaking guy movies to do so. Although, I agree with you here. I would actually be very interested in watching this.
underEJ 12:31 PM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by luv:
I'm all for female casts and leading female roles, but I wish they would stop remaking guy movies to do so.
Agreed! It is kind of more insulting the remake way. Here, we're done with this one, see if you can slap a vagina on it and make it fuckable!
ThaVirus 12:37 PM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Meh, I can't speak to how it ages. I saw both in theaters, but neither since.

It's drawback was being to frantic and slapped together, as opposed to bad or enraging.

I wasn't a fan of the futurism of the 2nd movie, and the old west setting of the 3rd was better, particularly with Mary Steenburgen all dolled up.

I wouldn't clamor for them, but you needn't avoid them either. It's the same brain power behind the first one, just on a time and money budget to capitalize on the success of the first movie.
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
They are definitely good, fun, and worth watching. Many people prefer the second or third as their favorite and it isn't a silly position to hold. I watch them often enough and they do hold up well. It helps that the way time travel was achieved wasn't cheesy and didn't rely on some specific out of date 80's technology or some other thing specific to the time period in which the movies were made.
Finally got around to watching the Back to the Future II. It was good, though I think I prefer the original. They were just way off on all of the "future" stuff. It's like watching Alien or Aliens. It can really take you out of the experience.

I'll watch the third installment sometime in the next month or so.
unlurking 12:48 PM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by luv:
I'm all for female casts and leading female roles, but I wish they would stop remaking guy movies to do so. Although, I agree with you here. I would actually be very interested in watching this.
I would agree in most cases, but I actually like a lot of the actresses in this and was never a big fan of the Ocean's series anyway. Love Clooney's comedy roles (Goats and Brother), but never really liked him in much else. Rarely liked Brad Pitt in anything (FightClub and Snatch obvious exceptions). Nothing I cared enough about in the originals to be offended by "pink washing".

When it comes to reboots or remakes, the more I liked the originals, the less I am open to a new interpretation. The less impressed I am with the originals, the more open I am to a new interpretation.
unlurking 12:50 PM 08-11-2016
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Finally got around to watching the Back to the Future II. It was good, though I think I prefer the original. They were just way off on all of the "future" stuff. It's like watching Alien or Aliens. It can really take you out of the experience.

I'll watch the third installment sometime in the next month or so.
Pretty much spot on. The second was the worst of the series. I liked 3 much better, but it still doesn't touch the original.
underEJ 12:55 PM 08-11-2016
I saw Sausage Party last week and while I wouldn't call it a good movie, it was definitely funny in alot of places. It suffers from a few problems like being really uneven. It is crazy loud and relentless, but some of the funniest bits they slow down to enjoy which just makes the pace seem more driving when it gets back to the regular fast pace. It also suffers from stoner humor, meaning things that are genuinely very funny are beaten to death like a stoner explaining why he thinks his own joke is so funny.

It thinks it is smarter than it actually is, and it also thinks it is more controversial than it really should be. All that aside, I definitely laughed at alot of it, but I was also bored by much of it.

I am very interested in animation moving into an R rated market because it is such an open medium with very little creative limitation, and I hope this does well if for no reason other than continued funding for future efforts. TV is clearly illustrating the market is there. I just hope someone other than Seth Rogen writes them.
Miles 08:44 PM 08-13-2016
Anyone see Hell or High Water yet? Reviews look very strong and RT at 99% right now.
NewChief 11:21 PM 08-13-2016
Watching 28 Weeks Later. Wow. Soooo bad on so many levels. The first one was so good, but this is a complete piece of illogical shit.
ThaVirus 11:30 PM 08-13-2016
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Watching 28 Weeks Later. Wow. Soooo bad on so many levels. The first one was so good, but this is a complete piece of illogical shit.
The first 15 minutes were intense as all shit, though, weren't they?
NewChief 11:42 PM 08-13-2016
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
The first 15 minutes were intense as all shit, though, weren't they?
It was okay yeah. Then the whole quarantine on the island shit made zero sense. Let's quarantine everyone where there is an easily accessible back door. And where they can also easily break out into the main area. Just so many plot holes through the whole thing.
ThaVirus 11:46 PM 08-13-2016
Originally Posted by NewChief:
It was okay yeah. Then the whole quarantine on the island shit made zero sense. Let's quarantine everyone where there is an easily accessible back door. And where they can also easily break out into the main area. Just so many plot holes through the whole thing.
I hated the mom surviving the most. No fucking way she survives with so many of those murderous freaks around.

And the kids just taking off for their old house? Bad.

And the dad-zombie clearly having some completely unexplained cognizance throughout the movie.

Damn! Now that I think about it that movie was pretty bad.
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