Originally Posted by staylor26:
We don't even know that it was a woman...
Hard to tell. Strangulation isn’t good either way as it’s an enhanced charge. My ex-wife dealt with this in TX with her sister years and years ago. She was assaulted, sister arrested and ultimately ex didn’t cooperate. Crazy shit happens between family, unfortunately, and it’s best to not rush to judgement and let the system do its thing. Whatever the outcome is, Xavier is certainly in a toxic environment and needs help. [Reply]
Originally Posted by TLO:
Let's hear from Worthy's camp.
Ok, so I'm an asst coCh of a 10u baseball team. Had a game tonight. I sorta sit off to the side and watch. I'm more of a practice coach.
Anyhow, I notice a dad bitching at the head coach and cussing at an asst coach in front of the boys. He called a coach "shit for brains".
Sooo, guy takes his kid and leaves the game in the 2nd inning. Calls coach a deuche? And I say " if you'd called me that, I'd be punchin your teeth in (. Building up biz). So guy comes back, gets in my face, I out him in a choke hold, and he gives. Takes his boy home. Sad deal. Soooo, I sent an email to aPologize for the whole thing , and the guy says he
Ll believe I'm sincere if I send it to all the Parents. Reeally?
What would y'all do?
Originally Posted by TLO:
Let's hear from Worthy's camp.
Ok, so I'm an asst coCh of a 10u baseball team. Had a game tonight. I sorta sit off to the side and watch. I'm more of a practice coach.
Anyhow, I notice a dad bitching at the head coach and cussing at an asst coach in front of the boys. He called a coach "shit for brains".
Sooo, guy takes his kid and leaves the game in the 2nd inning. Calls coach a deuche? And I say " if you'd called me that, I'd be punchin your teeth in (. Building up biz). So guy comes back, gets in my face, I out him in a choke hold, and he gives. Takes his boy home. Sad deal. Soooo, I sent an email to aPologize for the whole thing , and the guy says he
Ll believe I'm sincere if I send it to all the Parents. Reeally?
What would y'all do?