This lady is going to keep the deep freeze going for a while! I don't think my son had any idea how big she was when he took her... I gotta brag a bit, HE LISTENED!!! He had her in his scope at around 450 yards (I had texted that at least two were coming his way [I couldn't take a shot because of property line]), and he actually waited for them to close in to about 100 yards (117 yards as we stepped off). I guess it's like your kid driving, we spent time in buddy stands, but those first times you put them in the stand by themselves you wonder if all they were really absorbing what you've taught. We've spent a lot of time at the range doing it my way, and that's to learn how to breath first, shoot next.
I'll even say this, when I got to him, the first thing I did was check his rifle... The mag was out, nothing in the chamber. I know, few of us really do that, but he's young and safety comes first.
The funny part, this lady was still wet, so after field dressing his first buck last month, this time he got to deal with the strawberry milk on a doe and cutting out the udders.
Last note, the Butt-Out II is AWESOME...
What a great day. Hell I think I've been happier than him! [Reply]
I gotta admit, it was a great weekend.. Not that he took two doe within 15 seconds, not that he put an ethical shot in each, not that he explained that he waited for the shot because he knew I was driving them, not that he pretty-much did all the gutting, not that he butchered the parts he could reach, those weren't the best part.. The best parts were when he kneeled at each one, like he's done four times now, and thanked them for their lives and promised they would not be wasted, and when we dropped off about 70 pounds of the venison at a preacher's house to be used to feed the poor.
Got a couple bottle of this to start the deer hide tanning process. It'll be my first time, so I'll follow the instructions, but I'm wondering if anybody's done this and has any pro-tips?